Halo TV Series

Sound off if you watched it!

As someone whos played pretty much all the halos up until infinite (at least the campaign anyways) and has read 1 or 2 of the books/comics associated with it, i don't find it all that bad, not as bad as the recent review by PCG but i don't disagree with the arguments that article states. I mean right off the rim, Master Chief and the Elites are not that much taller than the marines/common folk when in reality they should be a couple of feet at least higher, higher than how Shaquille O' Neil is to a regular sized person. Master cheif should not also just be some marine in an armor suit, Spartans are like these genetically altered beasts in the suit and the plotline their going with is pretty generic.

BUT, i enjoyed the first episode, its got the swords, the sound of the armor being low on shields, the pistol, assault rifle etc. I dont mind that this Halo storyline is completely separate from the game either. If you like Halo in the least its worth checking out, whether you like it or not is up to you, because theres stuff to like and stuff to hate. I am also a sci-fi nerd and even if i never played Halo id be giving this a go. My personal review will be updated over time.
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Ok so i see noones replied to this. We are 5 episodes in and the latest episode was by far the best in the season so far. Its really worth checking out for sci-fi and Halo fans alike, though maybe better for just sci-fi enthusiasts in general than die-hard Halo fans because its not like the game at all, but i like what they have done personally and Cortana is good in this. The latest episode gave more of an ode to the game this time, took a couple of episodes, but it got there. Excited for the rest of the season.
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Reactions: Brian Boru
Feb 20, 2022
I have played a little of Halo so there are things I don't know about the series but my grandson and I have been watching the TV show on Paramount+ and we are enjoying it a lot (at least I am)! I get in to these types of shows/movies anyway. I hope they keep up the good work and, yes the last episode was the best.
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Well the season wrapped up. I give it.. a 6/10. I felt they did Cortana pretty good (the voice actress also voiced her in some of the games) and the covenant battles they had were pretty nice. CGI wasnt bad either. Story wise... it was a mess, they had a whole story arc that didnt even need to be there and the main storyline wasnt particularly good either, ive seen worse though. The only characters i truly liked (outside of cortana) was Kai-125, the spartan woman who had a better personality to me than Master Chief and Soren, the guy helping Kwan Ha for Master Chief. Everyone else was pretty meh to me.

No, master chief having his helmet off most of the time did not bother me, i didnt think they would do that in the first place because they were gonna make him into a human character for viewers to develop a relationship upon. I honestly dont think theyd be in their helmets 24/7.

Will be watching season 2, just hope they do more with battling covenant.
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Frag Maniac

Jun 12, 2020
Watched it, was a bit upset at first at the melodrama and Kwan side arc, but eventually got used to it. It's not supposed to completely follow the games, it's more made for a TV audience. Games need more action for the player to feel connected, TV shows don't really. It's mainly because games are physically interactive, so the story speaks through what you do physically in game. With TV shows and movies you are simply shown everything, so you need more character development, so can get by with less action.

I'm sure many gamers would disagree on that, but I largely feel games = physical release, and specifically visual entertainment like TV shows and movies = emotional release. You can't get all the emotion via battles, it would get stale really fast due to just watching it vs being part of it interactively, and in games outcomes varying according to how well you fight. You can't replicate that visually, so it needs to be done differently in TV and movies.

I liked Kai too, one of my favorite Spartans, and Soren as well. Vannak is kind of badass too though. The Covenant scenes were all done pretty well, but my favorite episode was I think 5, the one where they finally showed Grunts, Jackals, and a Brute at the end stealing the artifact. Honestly I was a bit disappointed with the final battle, especially the entire Covenant forces being wiped out by Makee touching the artifact. Seemed like an excuse to cheap out on what could have been a longer more epic battle scene.

There were a couple moments in the show where I doubted authenticity. One was Cortana explained as being a clone of Dr Halsey, the other, a Jackal using an energy sword in that big battle in episode 5. The next day I started playing Halo 4 on Legendary, and sure enough, I was reminded Cortana is indeed a clone of Dr Halsey. And though I still don't recall seeing any Jackals use energy swords in the games, I found a Halo Fanon wiki and some Reddit chat that says there was in fact a Jackal Plasma Energy Sword. So it appears to me whether the show follows game canon or not, they did research the Halo universe.

It should also be noted that the Silver Team is only portrayed in the show, not the games, so it's clear they took some creative liberties.
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Reactions: Brian Boru
Jul 25, 2022
I watched the first 4 episodes and I'll get to the rest eventually. It's just not really roping me in so far. I suppose I'd might be more into it if I was more of a Halo fan but I'll give any scifi a shot.
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