PCG Article Half-Life twin-stick shooter fan game gets blessing from Valve and a Steam release


Community Contributor
Hey, come on, man! We're lucky it's a twin stick shooter, instead of a crappy keyboard and mouse one.

What's too bad is that it's a top-down game.
I play twin-stick shooters with keyboard and mouse. 1v1 me, bro! Seriously, you should see me play V Rising and The Ascent. Took me a while to get used to the genre, but they are now a breeze with m/kb.
I play twin-stick shooters with keyboard and mouse. 1v1 me, bro! Seriously, you should see me play V Rising and The Ascent. Took me a while to get used to the genre, but they are now a breeze with m/kb.
The reason I can get away with dual analog is because I never play multiplayer. But for single player games where it doesn't matter as much, I've just grown to prefer it. It wasn't always that way, though. Obviously, I cut my teeth on K&M, and when I first tried to use a controller for a FPS, it was really awkward. But I ended up growing to actually prefer it. Even playing on PC where I have a choice, I'm using an old 360 controller.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
For at least the second time in just a few years, Valve gives away for free the use of it's IPs to modders making commercial projects. Too bad it's a twin stick shooter...
I love seeing news like this, as it's so rare to see a large gaming corporation appreciate the work of dedicated modders and give them the green light to publish a game using their IP. Valve did the same thing with the Black Mesa mod team.

As far as the "twin stick shooter" mechanic, I'm unsure if I'd actually enjoy it. It's the one reason I've hesitated on buying Weird West as it also employs that type of combat. I'm decent enough with real time combat, real time w/pause, and turn-based (all KB&M), but that twin stick is a bit of an unknown to me.


Community Contributor
I love seeing news like this, as it's so rare to see a large gaming corporation appreciate the work of dedicated modders and give them the green light to publish a game using their IP. Valve did the same thing with the Black Mesa mod team.

As far as the "twin stick shooter" mechanic, I'm unsure if I'd actually enjoy it. It's the one reason I've hesitated on buying Weird West as it also employs that type of combat. I'm decent enough with real time combat, real time w/pause, and turn-based (all KB&M), but that twin stick is a bit of an unknown to me.
The first twin stick game I ever really played was V Rising, and I was hilariously terrible at it at first. I even tried using a controller, but that didn't help me any. Then I modified the way my mouse worked. Helped a little. But I loved the game, and I just kept playing, and eventually I got to the point where I was pretty good at it so long as I kept my concentration. It was pretty fun seeing myself improve.


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