Can't decide what game to play?
My problem is more which games NOT to play. My current 'In Play' desktop fence includes…
Ghost Recon Wildlands
Sniper Elite 4
…All of which I've started a first playthru, but dropped when time got tight, and just haven't got back to yet.
Can't get motivated to finish a game?
Recently played a couple of months of Civ 4—one of my games which is easy to dip in and out of when I don't have that much gaming time. Dunno how many games I played, but say 50—I finished 2. Most of the value for me is in the first 2/3 of the game, there's no attraction for me beyond around Scientific Method.
I haven't finished Far Cry 5 or FC New Dawn, and probably never will on replays. New Dawn's ending looks really boring on YT, and 5's may not be available to me. But that's fine, there's no need to finish a game unless the finish is fun.
Finding a level frustrating?
The 2 boss fights at the end of Far Cry Primal were such—one I couldn't beat, the other was very boring. I solved that quickly of course on replay—end the game before those. Of course, that would be less satisfactory in the middle of a game—in that case, it depends on how much I want to continue.
The Royal Envoy series has a few off-genre whack-a-mole levels mixed in, but I absolutely want to continue so I put up with it and do however many attempts I need to get 3 stars.
The second halves of Crysis and Warhead change the game by introducing aliens. I tried them originally, but got no fun from them—so in my annual replays I stop each at half way.
What do you do or find inspiration from that makes you come back to it?
Almost always I start a replay of an old fav, always brings a smile like meeting an old friend in the street

If I'm just sick of clicking and key pressing, I'll go check out the mod scene for my annual replay list, see what's new since last time I checked.
I'm lucky that I enjoy a few genres, so there's always my big backlist to dig into for one of my less-played ones. Or simply organize the backlist a bit better.
Of course there's also the obvious 'give it a rest'—give more attention to another hobby like photography, or do some project at home until the urge revives.