Games we would love to see remastered and/or enhanced

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Ok, hear me out. Some remasters are lazy, easy to make cash grabs and generally uncalled for. But some games actually deserve a good "revival". Take a look at Infinity Engines games - with the exception of Icewind Dale II (rip source code), every cult cRPG classic is today playable on a lot of hardware and this will continue for years to come. Yes, Beamdog made some questionable decision when it comes to adding their own "spice" with some extra locations and characters that are not...well, good. And some balancing issues also arose when they allowed some spells from BG to appear in ID and vice versa. Still, Enhanced Edition are a good thing.

So imagine what other games could deserve such chance?
For example lately I wanted to play Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns after couple of years and.... yeah hardcoded 1024x768 resolution made me cry a little. Replaying Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul made me wish for few Quality of Life improvements as well. There are some games that are troublesome to run even with GOG around. Shogo for example suffers a lot and I would love to see it "remastered".

What about giving some older games a shiny new layer with raytracing? I guess this may deserve a separate topic, but hear me out. Raytracing may be the future, but so far there's only few games utilizing the tech and they demand crazy amount of computing power. But Quake II with RTX On actually showed us other way - giving older games fresh paint.
Imagine Mirror's Edge or Mafia II with raytracing. Or Bioshock. There are some games that would surely look amazing given a bit of refresh and new tech on top.

Go wild!


A nerd that found his place
Community Contributor
Jan 17, 2020
This is the exact type of thing I would love to see done with the KOTOR (Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic) series, my favorite games of all time. The mobile ports were cute and they run great, but I really want to see the series re-invigorated. Put them on a modern engine, spice up some animation, and upscale the graphics. KOTOR ages very well in everything except it's appearance. It is rather easy to see it's age and the fact it was designed to function on the original xbox. I have given up hope of KOTOR III as disney is doing everything it can to destroy star wars for reasons unknown (save except for the Mandalorian).
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I'd like to see a remaster of The Witcher 1. I'm surprised that CD Projekt Red still hasn't announced it yet, given the success of the Netflix's series. Many people who have played The Witcher 3 didn't play The Witcher 1, which is also a great RPG game (it's atmosphere is unique in the whole series). This would be a fantastic occasion for them to try the game.

I'd also like to see remasters of C&C Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2. There are some serious trouble in running these games on modern hardware, even with unofficial patches. If the remasters of the original C&C and RA1 will sell good, there's a chance the next games in the series will be refreshed as well. I keep my fingers crossed.
Jan 13, 2020
Not a very well known game, as far as I know anyways, but Dark Side of the Moon (Southpeak Interactive 1998) would be incredible to be remade into a First Person Shooter, while keeping all the original sound effects, voice acting, storyline and plot intact. The player could then explore the base however he or she wishes.

There's plenty of atmosphere and immersion that goes along with this game.

Most people have never heard of this game but you can see a LOT of investment went into it, it's one of those full motion video gems that tried to pretend being a first person shooter, except where you can actually move around was limited to the selection on the small video window.

Check it out at YouTube, the entire playthrough is on there.
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Sacrifice - but help the AI out a bit so I can't always win by tying off my first critters then harvesting one or two souls from the enemy wizard's attacks until he/she/it has practically nothing left.

Definitely another vote for Deus Ex. Square/Enix looks to be doing a fine job with Final Fantasy 7. Let'm do this one next.

No One Lives Forever and Spy in HARM's Way (NOLF2).

Freedom Force - but make it a 3D, turn based system like Valkyria Chronicles <@I Will Haunt You can't take us all!>
Jan 19, 2020
Betrayal at Krondor - This is one I would like to see fully remade.
Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Obscura - This would do well remastered hopefully by Beamdog.

Some of my favorite remasters: Turok 2, Bioshock 1&2, NWN + DLC along with their other remasters.
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Mar 9, 2020
It was kind of a janky puzzler but I wouldn't mind an updated version of The Incredible Machine. Using hamsters chasing cheese, fans, bowling balls and trampolines to solve arbitrary puzzles made it the first physics engine I got to interact with.


Community Contributor
It'd be nice to see some old(ish) JRPGs re-done, too. Shadowhearts 1 and 2 (especially 2, but don't bother with 3) would be great fun. Final Fantasy 7 is getting the workover now but 6 needs it as well. Xenogears would be great fun to have. Maybe the Persona games in preparation for finally bringing P5 to PC?

Xenosaga would be great, too, but it would need a lot more than just a re-make. It was supposed to be something like 6 games long but had to be truncated. Let'm take a second crack at it and do all the planned games.
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Jan 19, 2020
It'd be nice to see some old(ish) JRPGs re-done, too. Shadowhearts 1 and 2 (especially 2, but don't bother with 3) would be great fun. Final Fantasy 7 is getting the workover now but 6 needs it as well. Xenogears would be great fun to have. Maybe the Persona games in preparation for finally bringing P5 to PC?

Xenosaga would be great, too, but it would need a lot more than just a re-make. It was supposed to be something like 6 games long but had to be truncated. Let'm take a second crack at it and do all the planned games.
The two JRPGs I would like to see remastered: Chrono Cross and Breath of Fire III.
edit: I forgot one... The Legend of the Dragoon. I would actually put this at the top of my list.
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Dec 18, 2019
Totally agree with Deus Ex. Played it recently and boy it could use some love. I'd also say Mafia, the original. It was such a great game for its time.
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Feb 16, 2020
Totally agree with Deus Ex. Played it recently and boy it could use some love. I'd also say Mafia, the original. It was such a great game for its time.

I think that Mafia 1 is still the best of the lot! I wouldn't mind seeing it remastered because it doesn't hurt the original and we might get something cool out of it.

I don't mind remasters so long as the original is still available to play. I'm of the opinion that a good game is a good game forever so while I prefer ports to remakes, sometimes they turn out amazing (thinking of Resident Evil 2 in particular!).

I wouldn't mind seeing a remaster or new version of Stronghold. They've done some sequels along with the 'Stronghold Extreme' series, but they haven't really hit the same notes. A brand new game with castle-building depth and modern quality of life and graphics would be fantastic.
It was kind of a janky puzzler but I wouldn't mind an updated version of The Incredible Machine. Using hamsters chasing cheese, fans, bowling balls and trampolines to solve arbitrary puzzles made it the first physics engine I got to interact with.

There is Contraption Maker, the spiritual successor from the same makers. There is also the Crazy Machines series, of which the latest one is currently 85% off on Steam.
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