Games that are great to play with your kids


Community Contributor
Someone mentioned they might start a thread on this, but I don't see one. No worries. I'm never afraid to start a DOA thread :ROFLMAO:

So I think we should divide this into the stages of a kid's life. You have 10 and under, during which most kids are fairly innocent and parents want to keep it this way as long as possible.

At this age. a game doesn't have to be co-op for you to play it with your kids. Enjoying time together and taking turns is definitely a fun thing to do.

For this age group, I would suggest keeping to the blatantly kid-friendly games like the flood of "cleaning up the planet" games which have come out in the last 5 years. Even at this age. kids are okay with cartoon violence. so even something like Pal World would, IMO, be good to play. Safe MMOs like Wizard101 are great.

Eleven to driving age: Some kids become idiot edgelords(they try to be jaded edgelords but fail) as they move into the early hormone years and leave elementary school (at least in the US). That was just commentary. Relevant to the post, these kids generally have heard and seen it all online and at school, though the parent is generally in the dark on this and thinks they are still innocent.

For this age, you have to avoid any game that seems like it's for kids or your child with make constant snarky remarks about it. I would mostly attempt to prevent feeding their idiocy. No multiplayer games where everyone uses microphones. No games like GTA where the SP game is as edgy as possible. You also have to be careful with free games that try to trick children into spending money, like Fortnite. They aren't savvy enough to deal with this sort of thing.

It's important to remember that crappy games can turn uncrappy with your kid, so games like Resident Evil 6 may actually be enjoyable. Maybe the Dead Island games would be fun. But if they've heard people talk about being tired of zombies, then they are likely to act tired of zombies, so you can move on to co-op heaven: survival games. What could be cooler than Ark: Survival Evolved? Valheim?

Driving age to adult: Not only have they heard and seen it all, they've participated.

Kids this age mean you are tired of parenting. Just buy the GTA V/Lady Killer in a Bind bundle and be done with it.
I try to answer any obscure question here so i think im tackling this one right...

10 and under - I would suggest something like Roblox. Or something similar. Flash games that are safe, fun, educational etc. I see a lot of grandpas playing with their granddaughters on this site, young kids playing on their phones etc, so i think this one fits here. You can also throw in like Lego games, barbie games, mario, pokemon or just whatever your kid is into, there is a safe game variant usually available.

11 to driving age - Minecraft, Terraria, Lethal Company, Fortnite. Its gonna be hard avoiding early teens developing snarky and weird moods with games like this but ex. A, my son played all these games between that age and isnt one of these COD lobby kids at all (from what ive seen and heard anyways lol).

Games like this, kids start developing their discord and group chat groups around coop games they all play together, also, they are cheap, easy to get in with friends, not too too violent. Easy to run on a lot of different machines etc.

Driving Age to Adult - This depends on really what your kid likes at this age. There are so many different games avaiable for this age group, it just comes down to what they like to play. My son continues to play the above listed games into his "adult" years. Its expanded into Destiny 2, Helldivers 2 and weird backroom stuff but still, playing the games he grew up with, with his friends.

My list for this age would be - Counter Strike, Diablo, Destiny, Apex Legends, Helldivers 2 etc. Mixing in violent games and competitive games. This is where you can start absorbing more mature content, develop competitive skills (though a lot of gamers do this in the 11-driving age too) and expand their categories of games.
My 6 year old kid plays all kind of animal hospital trash on her tablet if you let her. My Singing Monsters is probably the only tablet game I'm happy to see her playing. Pro tip if they insist on playing crap with their tablet time, turn off wifi in tablet settings and the adverts magically disappear, as long as you dont have a sim card in it.

Nintendo for sure. She likes to play co-op, so Mario 3D World, Luigi's Mansion 3, Kirby In the Forgotten Land and Mario Party have all been great that way. The first game she really picked up and played on her own was Mario Odyssey.

On PC the first thing she really loved was Donut County, with a bit of A Short Hike thrown in. We played Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons several times, even though I totally forgot how harrowing the last chapters are, she was a bit sad but it was a good learning experience to talk about how she felt about it afterwards. She really liked Snuffkin: Melody of Moominvalley, but didnt want to replay it so much. Cat Quest 2 is a current favourite, Octodad: Dadliest Catch was a lot of fun, Goat Simulator is a fun silly sandbox. Chuchel is madness and we both liked it, but replay is limited. Another she really liked was Ori and the Blind Forest, but it was only watching me play as its way too hard for a little one. Should also mention Minecraft which has become a staple around everything else. Pikuniku she didnt like when she was 3 or 4 but quite liked last year when we played it for a bit. Theres some we played for a very short while that didnt stick, Little Kitty Big City, Never Alone, amog others which some kids might be into I guess. Other than that Im out for now.

Avoiding Roblox, theres all kind of dragons in that ecosystem, but when she starts school in a year might not be able to get away with it for long.
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What I've found is good for my kids is pretty varied and I'm actually not too averse to violence (typical American, I suppose), as I've used it as a jumping off point to talk about real violence with my kids and how such and such game is fantasy and it's ok to goof off in and not representative of real life.

Pretty much what they got started on is my arcade cabinet. I have an old Cocktail style cab that I took the guts out of and completely rebuilt, which has all kinds of classics on it and my kids have really enjoyed playing Pac-Man, Dig-Dug, Shaolin Road, 1943 and a few others on it. Both of them have been playing it since about 2 or 3 years old and have become pretty competent with it and the games aren't so engrossing that they're playing for hours and hours like they might on something more modern.

Otherwise, they have had and still have fun with stuff like Monster Jam: Steel Titans, Lego Marvel Superheroes, Lego City, basically stuff that they can run around and explore, doing a variety of things as the mood strikes them.

These days, they're pretty well hooked on Minecraft, which I'm happy about. I feel like they're learning something as they build stuff and it has components that games used to have, such as "cheats" (essentially) to allow them to feel more comfortable in the game and facilitate exploration, building and the like.

But what I've learned is: Kids are as different as the rest of us. I've seen @Kaamos_Llama suggest Cat Quest, which looks intriguing to me, but I know my kids would become bored and frustrated with it, so we wouldn't end-up actually making it very far before they're on to something else. But one things that has made selecting games easier for me is the fact that my kids really enjoy games similar to how I also enjoy them; essentially games that aren't just pure challenge, but allow some degree of freedom of exploration, so if they're butting their heads-up against something they can turn around and try something else.
Glad you guys mentioned the Roblox stuff. I actually mentioned a lot of that in my initial post, but it felt too combative to me, so I deleted it. Roblox is banned in my house for a variety of reasons, the pedo's included.

I'm not sure how bad it is, but I remember reading that Minecraft is pretty risky for kids as well if they join public servers. I assume most kids under 10 don't play on public servers, but teenagers usually get (or take) some more independence in that regard yet they can still pretty easily become victims.
But what I've learned is: Kids are as different as the rest of us.

That's what I was thinking as well. My kid prefers playing house in whatever game we end up playing, typically with one of us being the mother and the other being the child. For example, in Stardew Valley she pretends the community center is a school and the old people are the grandparents.

However, she also does this when we play Fling to the Finish, where she pretends the mom is taking their kid to the playground or a water park.

I've seen @Kaamos_Llama suggest Cat Quest, which looks intriguing to me, but I know my kids would become bored and frustrated with it, so we wouldn't end-up actually making it very far before they're on to something else.

My kid and I tried Cat Quest, but she didn't really care for it. The combat was too difficult for her and there is too much text. She also prefers co-op games and the first game doesn't have multiplayer.

I am curious how her gaming tastes will change once she learns how to read. I think not being able to read is holding her back from enjoying a lot of games, especially by herself.


On a Journey
Ah, my mental age is becoming clearer…
People don't grow up, they grow old. Some of us never grew up. But there were no games in my childhood that I got addicted to enough to make my entire identity - not a great Chess player, for instance. So I cannot say I play the same games now. But I sure don't feel the age I am... or act it sometimes.

Kids being different: Obviously... everyone is unique. Regardless of age. No two people think the same way about things. About everything. Not unless we have managed to clone people.


Community Contributor

A relevant 16m video by Belinda Ercan, a reporter who seems to do decent research.

How Roblox Became the #1 P*dophile Platform
Had to stop watching. Nothing worse on this planet than child predators. There is zero reason why these guys should be allowed to talk freely to children. The only kids mmo I ever played, Wizard101, was extremely restrictive in what you could type into chat, and they were swift to issue bans to people who tried to game the sensors. They also had 3 levels of chat. One for adults. one for small kids and one for kids in the middle. but all of them were restrictive. If you were an adult, most of what you would write the kids wouldn't see. A kid might run up and ask you a question. You would answer normally. and the kid would respond that it was all censured. They also had an easy report feature. Everything was recorded, so if you reported someone all they had to do was pull up the text, and punishment was immediate. Rudeness would get you muted forever. I was never concerned about my kids on there.


On a Journey
The things kids like do seem to get the wrong peoples attention. Roblox sure looks like a lovely honey trap for the wrong victims. Its everything kids want and yet it also allows those who shouldn't be talking to kids, to have captive audience.
Always have to be suspect about people who want to talk to other peoples kids... teachers accepted to a degree.

I didn't watch video, I can guess.


Community Contributor
There's nothing graphic or sensational in the video, mostly the history of Roblox, the deterioration, and probably why it happened.

I should have mentioned there are also plenty of articles online about this problem from the most credible media outlets.
I'm sure it's fine. I'm just overly sensitive when the subject is children. I checked out when they started reading the chat between some guy and a 12-year-old.

We used to watch true crime shows on television. but at the first hint that the victim was a child. I got up and left the room. Frankly. I get so furious at the criminal that I can't sleep afterward.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Here's the list of games I play with my 5 year old. A caveat though: I've noticed that gaming affects my son's attitude and behavior following use so I really limit screen time to 30-45 mins when possible.

PC Games:
  • Teardown - He loves sandbox mode and getting silly mods to destroy environments
  • Goat Simulator 3
  • Wreckfest - He's all about the destruction derby mode
  • Hot Wheels Unleashed / Turbocharged
  • Castle Crashers - Blood is turned off
  • TMNTs: Shredder's Revenge - Great nostalgia and soundtrack for parents
  • The Lego Movie Videogame
Non-PC Games:
  • Minecraft - Creative mode
  • Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay
  • Sometimes Super Smash Bros, Mario Party, Mario Kart, etc.

A relevant 16m video by Belinda Ercan, a reporter who seems to do decent research.

How Roblox Became the #1 P*dophile Platform

i've brought this up before too, most recently to my sister about her daughter playing but then i started feeling like those adults who here 1 or 2 bad stories and then ban the whole thing because they dont know how to police their kids when gaming other than banning something (that kids will eventually want to play simply because you said no) .

Glad you guys mentioned the Roblox stuff. I actually mentioned a lot of that in my initial post, but it felt too combative to me, so I deleted it. Roblox is banned in my house for a variety of reasons, the pedo's included.

Idk, banning something completely is going to drive a kid to want to do it more simply because you banned it imo.

I think you are just giving into fear at that point. My son was on roblox for years and had no incidents. I knew how to monitor what he was doing etc. (for the most part) and although kids will be kids and say and do stupid stuff in the worlds there in, never experienced a child predator or something for me to be like "omg he needs to get off there people are trying to do stuff to him"

I understand the concern for this stuff happening in kids games, but:

EVERY SINGLE KIDS GAME IN THE WORLD FROM NOW UNTIL THE END OF TIME WILL HAVE PEOPLE DOING THIS STUFF. It doesnt matter what it is. A pedo will do what they can and go into any game that are kid oriented.

I say all this, then this article dropped:

So, a pedo is gonna pedo on a platform for kids even if they are called out, banned, removed etc. Its disgusting but i dont think all of roblox should be thrown out for this.
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My kid apparently saw a Mimecraft video of someone who had made a "trap" for other players, consisting of three levers and if they pulled the wrong one they would drop into lava or something.

So we spend this evening making similar traps for each other. My kid asked a lot of questions on how to make different things, especially how to work with pistons, while I had a lot of fun figuring out redstone circuits to trigger different things.

I was honestly impressed with how serious my kid was about the entire thing. She often gives up pretty easily or asks me to do stuff for her, but this time she stuck with it and made something that surpassed my expectations.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
A pedo will do what they can and go into any game that are kid oriented

If they're let. I envisage the upshot of this—say next decade sometime—being that any company offering online interaction to kids will have to show robust moderation practices to be allowed to operate.

This is one area where AI should prove of major help, flagging content up for human mods to review.
i've brought this up before too, most recently to my sister about her daughter playing but then i started feeling like those adults who here 1 or 2 bad stories and then ban the whole thing because they dont know how to police their kids when gaming other than banning something (that kids will eventually want to play simply because you said no) .

Idk, banning something completely is going to drive a kid to want to do it more simply because you banned it imo.

I get you and I'm generally a very permissive parent, Roblox is the only thing I don't really like and doesn't get the time of day here.

As for Pedos elsewhere, it may be like the chat rooms of my youth an overblown threat, but it's just another reason for me to disregard the thing completely. My kids also aren't using any other online multiplayer stuff right now either, so no real threat from anything else.

I wonder if the leaders in govt had the same thought before making illegal to access, even if you are/were a roblox user for years with no problems and no hitches or actually helped other people?

A lot of people overlook what something can be good for because somethin terrible happened in its world.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
This YT channel should be good for kid games:

And this could be a nice game for them too:

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