We've seen a whole boatload of great threads recently and we want to show our appreciation for the awesome content thread starters are bringing to the community with custom titles!
Post Good Threads -> Enjoy Good Posts -> Get A Spotlight and Custom Title!
Wanted: Thread or Alive*
Over the next few weeks we'll be on the hunt for the finest of forum threads - those that ask great questions and spark discussion or are just plain creative. We'd love for you to share your favourites in this thread with us and let us know why they deserve recognition.Wanted: Thread or Alive*
At the end of the month, we'll give a shout-out to the community's favourites and lavish the thread starters with handcrafted, artisanal forum titles forged from dreams and the power of friendship. (OK, we'll type them into a text field, but where's the magic in that?)
If you have dynamite discussions, cool questions or just some good dumb fun to share with the community post it up!
*"Thread or Alive" might not work, but I can't let it go because it's been lodged in my brain to the tune of the Bon Jovi song since before I started writing this thread. If any of you fine people have a way to salvage this pun, I'll be forever in your debt.
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