Deus Ex and The Gray Death

Jan 13, 2020
"Let it spill over to the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets - in the end, they'll beg us to save them"

- Bob Page, VersaLife Corporation. (or the creators of Covid-19?

Obviously spoilers from Deus Ex, do not read if you haven't played it.

It's crazy, just a few months ago I was playing through one of my latest replays of the original Deus Ex--one of the greatest games of all time. In the game, the Gray Death is a world wide epidemic that has brought most (if not all) nations across the world, including the United States to its knees. The Gray Death itself is a nano-virus, 100% artificially created by the powers that be.

I was actually thinking to myself while playing, what if this were to happen in real life. That a virus so deadly and so contagious sweeps across the world, and the eventual cure/temporarily relief, is extremely hard to obtain. Now here we are in the middle of March 2020 and it's unimaginable how quickly this went from hearing nothing about it to worldwide pandemic since my playthrough just a few months ago.

In Deus Ex, the elusive world elite (Majestic-12) controls Ambrosia, the vaccine that keeps the virus under control, or temporarily curing the person in small doses. The problem is that the same people who created the Gray Death, also control the vaccine. Multi-billionaire Bob Page of VersaLife Corporation, creator of Ambrosia, keeps stockpiles under a tight leash, trading the vaccine for influence, power, money, etc. It got so out of hand that the NSF (National Secessionist Forces) took matters into their own hands in invaded Liberty Island in an attempt to move the Ambrosia vaccine to their people. Securing one of the Ambrosia shipments is the very first mission in the game.

In real life, Covid-19, although still a far cry from what the Gray Death caused in Deus Ex, may be on a similar path with the world seemingly on the brink, and a potential vaccine scientists are working on months if not years away. Will the Covid-19 vaccine be corporate controlled or will it be available to anyone that needs it?

Then there is the question of the origin of Covid-19, much like the Gray Death its origins are a mystery to the world and there is seemingly nothing natural about this virus. Someone knows the truth, and someone was Patient Zero. Is there a group of elite pulling the strings of everything that has happened, or is this all just bat meat from Wuhan like we're being told?

The best part about Deus Ex is how so much of it is relative to real life, almost everything in the game is based on certain truths or just outright conspiracy in reality. In the end, this thread is mostly a plug for one of the greatest games ever. So go play it, or play it again now that you have work/school off, it's fantastic.

The Gray Death

Ambrosia Vaccine
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In real life, Covid-19, although still a far cry from what the Gray Death caused in Deus Ex, may be on a similar path with the world seemingly on the brink, and a potential vaccine scientists are working on months if not years away. Will the Covid-19 vaccine be corporate controlled or will it be available to anyone that needs it?
The Gray Death is clearly named after the Black Death. C19 isn't anywhere close to that deadly. Gray Death was killing everyone - if it wasn't 100% fatal then it was sure close. It's still hard to tell with C19 because a lot of people who catch it never know it but, last I heard, the estimate was that only around 20% even develop serious symptoms.

Corporations will develop the vaccine. Any corporation dumb fool enough to try to control governments via like Bob Page did will find their copyrights voided, their records seized, and their vaccine put in the public domain for all the generic brands to feast upon.

Then there is the question of the origin of Covid-19, much like the Gray Death its origins are a mystery to the world and there is seemingly nothing natural about this virus. Someone knows the truth, and someone was Patient Zero. Is there a group of elite pulling the strings of everything that has happened, or is this all just bat meat from Wuhan like we're being told?
It's very very likely from the meat markets of Wuhan, yes. Who else? 3M trying to sell masks?? Companies aren't full of robots, you know. Any one of them that tried to deliberately infect the world would need quiet a few people to get that done. People with friends and families of their own. SOMEBODY is going to leak the information and, when they do, everyone else involved is going to go to jail for a very long time. I'm thinking most companies would rather just invest more in their marketing departments.
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