Dealing with the lot of cyber bullying

Jul 19, 2024
Hi guys, this is Yale from Cali
I want to discuss a topic that's been on my mind lately. Have you ever felt targeted or harassed online because of your gender or skill level? I've experienced this firsthand being a lady gamer, and I'm curious to know if anyone else has gone through similar situations. I mean I was so depressed that I didnt wanna even come near my PC.
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Not, not myself.
I guess the specific games may have a bigger or smaller problem related to this.
Like, the more popular the game (and especially those which are f2p) the biggest % of players will be some sort of assholes or kids trying to impress others by being assholes.

Even in the most "toxic" game I played, which was Mordhau, I didn't give a single flying V (cheers to anyone getting the reference ;)) about people spamming gibberish. Maybe once or twice I'd get a laugh from these, but in general I would ignore it or keep closed.
In others games, if somebody was spamming me or messaging me for my gameplay that usually meant they're angry as nine hells, which means I did something right. And still, couldn't be bothered by that.

And on the topic of girl gamers, I have must been lucky that there were always gaming girls around the communities I played in.
Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 days of playing in a clan? We had girls there. Nobody had issue with them. If somebody on a server would have, we would lovingly start hunting such a person until they left.
For clan wars or even some early ESL games, we would 99% of the time run with a full male rosters due to skill, but the girls were still above the average.
Hunt: Showdown? Yup, again, have a few girls on our server that we play with and nobody has any issues with them or their skill level.

If this bothers you, maybe think about switching games you play or find a community that is not a bunch of teenagers.

Still, this is very general and may or may not apply to your situations.
But hey: it's not worth getting depressed over something some idiot said to you in-game.
IMHO of course.
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I’ve been kicked from a Counter Strike game for playing poorly. I haven’t played for a few years now. There were always at least a couple of toxic players on every server, often most of the server was toxic.

I love the game but it’s not worth it for me to play with a holes.
Jul 19, 2024
Hi guys, this is Yale from Cali
I want to discuss a topic that's been on my mind lately. Have you ever felt targeted or harassed online because of your gender or skill level? I've experienced this firsthand being a lady gamer, and I'm curious to know if anyone else has gone through similar situations. I mean I was so depressed that I didnt wanna even come near my PC.
Although I haven't gone through anything like this, I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you
My friends were into playful teasing but it never became too serious.
You should take some time for yourself and remember that you're the best at what you are. I hope you don't give up on your hobby. :))
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Sep 17, 2024
That sucks! It's really frustrating to encounter toxic players. Everyone has bad games sometimes, and getting kicked for it is just uncool.

Honestly, I've had the same experience every time I start playing after a long gap like 1 year or more and It's tough to keep playing as a pro when you're constantly being berated or harassed. But what I do is, I ignore and find a better server or find/join a Discord group for private servers.

Gaming is supposed to be fun. Don't let toxic players ruin it for you. If things get too toxic, it's okay to step away for a while.
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Aug 30, 2024
Hi guys, this is Yale from Cali
I want to discuss a topic that's been on my mind lately. Have you ever felt targeted or harassed online because of your gender or skill level? I've experienced this firsthand being a lady gamer, and I'm curious to know if anyone else has gone through similar situations. I mean I was so depressed that I didnt wanna even come near my PC.
Hi Yale, thanks for bringing up such an important topic. I'm really sorry to hear about your experience. Unfortunately, online harassment is a common issue, especially in gaming communities. I've seen many people, regardless of gender or skill level, face similar challenges. It's crucial to have supportive communities and tools to report and block harassers. Have you found any strategies or communities that have helped you feel safer online?
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Community Contributor
It's probably worse for women gamers, but it's pretty bad for most people, and sometimes the toxic ones are actually female. Was going into a raid, and a woman was demanding that I change my gear. I had done this solo so many times I couldn't count them, and I told her I wasn't changing my gear. She didn't react well to that news.

If a female mod comes along, this post will get deleted on the grounds that I've diminished female experiences. I've already had one post like this deleted.
Aug 30, 2024
It's probably worse for women gamers, but it's pretty bad for most people, and sometimes the toxic ones are actually female. Was going into a raid, and a woman was demanding that I change my gear. I had done this solo so many times I couldn't count them, and I told her I wasn't changing my gear. She didn't react well to that news.

If a female mod comes along, this post will get deleted on the grounds that I've diminished female experiences. I've already had one post like this deleted.
Oh, she was just glad to raid your wardrobe, I suppose :sweatsmile:

But seriously, toxic behavior knows no gender :unamused:

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