Rocky areas in Elex. For reasons I can't fathom, they decided there's got to be an ambient sound when you're in a rocky area in that game. Instead of, you know, the typical total lack of sound that perfectly static rocks make, they included a bunch of cracking and the sound of some small pebbles rolling down a rock face. The first time I heard it, I thought they were hinting to me that the mountain was going to come down soon! Nope. As near as I can tell, some developer just noticed there were no sounds for that sort of area so "rock sounds" were plugged in. Arg.
Also, I'm playing Trails of Cold Steel which is a very old style JRPG with very old style graphics and animations. When a person walks, there's a "kuk kuk kuk" as each foot hits the ground - like they're wearing clogs. OK, fine, it's made for the equivalent of a PS2 - and kinda funny when a cat makes the sound. However, this is a story about a class of 9+ students. When they all walk at the same time, it's a clog avalanche! GGHAAA!!