Computer wont POST

Dec 28, 2023
This is a little budget build I did for my daughter. It will not POST. I can't even get a signal to the monitor. This started happening with the old parts that were in it and its happening with the parts I have swapped out. You can see the list below including what was changed. I have tried display port. I also tried HDMI on both the GPU and motherboard. The monitor is fine because the same cables provide a signal to my laptop. I thought it was the motherboard so I swapped it with the one listed below but still nothing. I have tried a brand new CPU, 2 different sticks of RAM(both new) including trying them in each dimm slot, and a GPU that I was literally using right before on a different computer. The only thing I haven't tried is a different SSD or power supply. Everything turns on. The lights and all the fans run. I did install a speaker hoping it would give me an error code but it wont even beep. Also, the motherboard in the bottom right corner has a 4 square diagram that is listed CPU/VGA/DRAM/BOOT. The red light for the CPU is on but I have swapped out the CPU and the same motherboard was working earlier in a different Ryzen setup. I do know the motherboard listed does require a BIOS update to work with the Ryzen 4600G but I can't even get to the BIOS other wise I would update it. Not sure if that's the cause for the red light. Any suggestions??

Current specs:

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-AB350(was working in other build). Old motherboard is an ASRock A320M
CPU: Ryzen 5 4600G. Old CPU is a Ryzen 3 2200G
RAM: G.Skill Aegis 8GB. Also tried with a Corsair 8GB stick. Both are new.
GPU: Radeon RX580. Old GPU is a Radeon RX560
Power supply: EVGA SuperNOVA 80+ GOLD 550W full modular
Case: Phanteks Eclipse G360A. Old case was a DIYPC
Storage is one M.2 drive for the OS and one SSD connected via SATA for extra storage
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Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
Does the Gigabyte motherboard work with the 2200G?

If so, I think it may be wise to check the BIOS version, just to be sure.

Also, what I've learned from my "CPU" problems, have you tried booting the PC by building it outside of the case and jumpstarting it (place a screwdriver between the 2 pins needed to turn it on).

Even though I still think it's unlikely, it could be a cable from the PC case that's causing issues, which you won't find out unless you unplug them. That's where my problems came from.
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Dec 28, 2023
Does the Gigabyte motherboard work with the 2200G?

If so, I think it may be wise to check the BIOS version, just to be sure.

Also, what I've learned from my "CPU" problems, have you tried booting the PC by building it outside of the case and jumpstarting it (place a screwdriver between the 2 pins needed to turn it on).

Even though I still think it's unlikely, it could be a cable from the PC case that's causing issues, which you won't find out unless you unplug them. That's where my problems came from.
The 2200G is compatible with a BIOS update but like I said I can't even get to the BIOS lol. I have the updates ready on a USB drive. I've never tried jumpstarting and I don't have a test bench(at this point I should). I'll check the cables/PSU and the 2 hard drives since those are the only things I haven't checked.

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
oh I didn't use a testbench, I used my original motherboard box. Just had the mobo on there, CPU, RAM, GPU & SSD connected, GPU behind it and it worked. I can't say if it's the best / safest way but it worked for me to know my hardware was fine and it was my case that was the issue.


Just to make sure, the last time ANYTHING worked was when it all was in the old case?

Also, suddenly wondering, but when your PC turns on, do the fans run on full speed? Because even if they do, after the PC POSTS, they should slow down. If they keep running at full speed there's indeed an issue somewhere.

The thing I'm strugglign with a bit is that (just like me) you replaced nearly everything and it doesn't appear to solve the issue.

Jumpstarting your motherboard would (as far as I can find) meaning to put a screwdriver or something metal between the following pins on your front panel header (see yellow line):


Link to manual and search for "RESET". That's the quickest way to find your front panel headers.

So below just to make sure:

1) Does the 2200G still work with the ASrock mobo?
2) If yes, have you checked if the 4600G works with the ASrock one? Because if the 2200G works in the Gigabyte mobo (which it does if I read it correctly) and the 4600 does not work in the ASrock, it may be a dead CPU.
the motherboard was working earlier in a different Ryzen setup
3) The GIgabyte Mobo never worked? Because you may have a dead motherboard. I'm not gonna draw conclusions on that, because I don't know if a dead motherboard even turns on (shows LED)
4) Have you tried reconnecting every cable properly?
5) Just thinking about it now, but how long did you run the PC to check if the light turns off? I can't remember where I saw or read it, but I did somewhere that the first time booting a PC it may take some time for everything to start working.

Just for a bit of context, here's a link to My support question regarding a CPU led.

The one thing that came out of there that may have been an issue as well was wrongly installed standoffs, which may be shorting the motherboard.
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