We've seen some great content on the forums since launch and we want to take this time to shine a spotlight on a few of the coolest threads around! We'll also be awarding the OP's our brand new Community Contributor title!
We’ve really enjoyed reading and participating in these threads, huge thanks to the OP’s, but just as importantly to everyone else here for making the PC Gamer Forums such a welcoming and fun place!
Our featured threads in no particular order are…*Drum Roll*
Beautiful Game Appreciation - @erdelf
A great thread to share your prettiest screenshots and those perfectly crafted gaming moments that wow you every time you see them. Also, a great reminder that beautiful isn’t just about graphical fidelity and tech - the style and artistic decisions that drive a games development are what really make them beautiful. Be sure to jump in and share.
What's your favorite CRPG @Sarafan
An awesome resource for CRPG’s that you might have missed with solid recommendations and discussion. If you want to rave about hidden gems from days gone by and why Temple of Elemental Evil was such a missed opportunity, this is the space. Seriously though, ToEE could have been as era defining as Baldur’s Gate if…*Drifts off into reminiscence*
Riddle Me This - @Frindis
Tease your brain with some quality gaming riddles and get your creative flow going to challenge everyone else. Dive on in and put your galactic brain to work.
Share Tales From Your Gaming Youth - @spvtnik1
Dare you enter the Nostalgia Dimension? By walking through this door you forfeit the foreseeable future in favour of forays into YouTube. You’ll wander the Plains of Past Experience for untold aeons, babbling about games from your youth. Games like ToEE, that could have been era defining if only they’d have done things differently. Click the link and brave the weight of time.
Gaming moments that gave you the tingles - @Kaamos_Llama
I’ve played over 800 hours of Final Fantasy XIV, but there are five seconds in the latest expansion, Shadowbringers, that I keep on going back to. It’s a mixture of music and moment that blew my soul out the back of my skull. Even typing this is giving me the “hell yeahs”. That’s what this thread is all about, sharing the moments that stick with you forever and get you pumped on memory alone.
Other awesome threads that are worth checking out!
Must play RPG's thread - @FrigidWinter.
The PC Gamer XCOM 2 Campaign - Join The War Effort! - @Rensje
What Would Your Dream Game Be? - @MaddMann
Your Favorite Spells - @Zloth
A game outside your comfort zone - @Julez
We'll be choosing another batch of threads to showcase at the end of March! As always, if someone is deserving of a call-out for being rad or you feel we've overlooked something really cool be sure to let us know. We're always looking to recognise the best of the community and regularly feature good posts in PC Gamer articles.
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