Command & Conquer Remastered Trailer

Nov 24, 2019
The trailer just dropped for C&C Remastered.

Looks like they made all the right moves! A good remaster, got community feedback and direct involvement, iterated on the design, added quality of life features and more. Price point looks to be $20 or so. What are your thoughts, folks?
Looks good. I was hoping for a more modern reimagining, but I know that that could have easily divided the community or all together ruined the experience for some. I think I will get the most joy out of the multiplayer so I'm hoping that has been impelemented well.
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Nov 24, 2019
You know, I wasn't sure about that, either.
For a moment, when they revealed the updated graphics, I was like, oh. Okay. Well that's the same thing, just better looking. I don't know if I was expecting a full re-skin and revamp, but you're probably right about that.

Why fix what's not broken? The gameplay's the thing.
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Nov 24, 2019
I'm kinda curious if there's been any balancing or adjustments to units. There were some killer strats back in yesteryear, and not all tactics were equal in those cheese-filled halcyon days.
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Community Contributor
The game looks great. The only controversy are the cinematics. The developers didn't have access to source FMVs so they used AI to upscale the movies. The effect is mediocre. Cinematics are quite blurred and the old ones have more (retro?) style IMHO. I hope that Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2 will receive remasters as well!
Apr 24, 2020
Game is unlocked on Steam now. Blew past the 40,000 player mark fast. Looks great in 4k. Having lots of fun with it.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Bought it today. Not gonna lie, if you've never played the games you'll probably hate them. If you played them when you were still in grade school you'll dig the nostalgia.
Jan 13, 2020
That remastered opening intro for Tiberium Dawn is fantastic, loved every moment. I was about to select AWE-32 for the heck of it, lol. Then I played for 2.5 hours, Nod Campaign. Fantastic remastering and I appreciate the subtitles during the cinematics & briefings as well.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Are you guys particularly attached to either game? I would have bought just Red Alert cause I just plain enjoyed the WW2 alternate history more as a kid and I certainly feel more attached to it.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Are you guys particularly attached to either game? I would have bought just Red Alert cause I just plain enjoyed the WW2 alternate history more as a kid and I certainly feel more attached to it.
From me it is Red Alert. Mainly because I played a lot of it together with a friend from high school. I would get crushed the majority of the time but it was still fun.
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Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
One thing this has going for it is it is simply fast-paced. There isn't really anything superfluous about the gameplay. If your only exposure to RTS has been newer stuff like Total War or Wargame, I could see someone re-discovering the genre with this.

Who knows, maybe we'll see a surge of cool mods coming in the next year or so. I'd like to try my hand at some map making and campaign creation.

One thing I wish they had included was the Sole Survivor multiplayer mode.

Only the new graphics are available in multiplayer. This is fine, it keeps the MP gameplay balanced I suppose.

I wish there was slightly more zoom out available for 1080p.

One thing I thought was sort of strange is the ground infantry look like giant super soldiers next to civilians. Granted, they are wearing boots and a helmet, but it still looks just a tad off.

Frankly I think it's worth it just to have a digital copy on a platform I like, to have something ready to install and I don't have to dig through my mountains of possessions to find the 10-year collection - and I know several of those installs probably wouldn't work today anyway. The C&C: Renegade one never worked :(
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