If you've played this—vanilla, I'm not onto the Kane's Wrath expansion yet—please comment, as I'm a bit concerned. Tried a few skirmishes on easy to get the lay of the land, and I'm surprised how quickly the AI sends a decent attacking force across. And then another not long after… and another.
Did some reading, and I get the impression C&C3 has deviated into the tactical having priority over the strategic—ie gone away from the essence of C&C1 & 2. I see claims the final 1.09 patch hugely nerfed the economy in order to balance out some multi-player issues, and that this made the SP campaigns and skirmish almost unwinnable even on easy.
I'm not concerned about skirmish, as there is an infinitely variable difficulty setting available for that, but I'd like to be able to get thru the 38 campaign missions with more focus on thoughts per minute rather than actions per minute.
I don't recall any such problem back in 2007 when it first came out—but then there was Crysis and Civ 4 and Supreme Commander to distract that year
Did some reading, and I get the impression C&C3 has deviated into the tactical having priority over the strategic—ie gone away from the essence of C&C1 & 2. I see claims the final 1.09 patch hugely nerfed the economy in order to balance out some multi-player issues, and that this made the SP campaigns and skirmish almost unwinnable even on easy.
I'm not concerned about skirmish, as there is an infinitely variable difficulty setting available for that, but I'd like to be able to get thru the 38 campaign missions with more focus on thoughts per minute rather than actions per minute.
I don't recall any such problem back in 2007 when it first came out—but then there was Crysis and Civ 4 and Supreme Commander to distract that year