Coconut Monkey Cornerclub

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Taking my oldest kiddo to their first concert tonight. A year or so ago, I showed them a band I was pretty into around high school and they've discovered their own love for the band, so my wife and I are surprising them tonight with their farewell tour show at Red Rocks.

We've got some ear protection for them and ourselves, but hoping that they have fun and can make it until like 1130 - Midnight, which is probably when the headliners set will wrap up.

Fact checking Snopes...

You had mentioned about Walt Disney being able to see a single frame of a nude woman in a film. I wanted to read more about that since I'm obsessing over the speed variances in people's vision. I ended up on Snopes.

First of all, they quote from a book written by someone who was a producer-director at Disney, and says he was there during the incident. He verifies the story and tells it slightly differently than the story normally goes and added a funny thing that Disney said after the incident, which was something along the lines of "If that girl had had any clothes on, I'd not of paid her any attention."

There is no reason to doubt the truthfulness of this guy's story, and yet Snopes, disbelieving it's possible to spot a single frame, says that they were unable to verify if the story was true or not. They end the article by saying that Disney was an ordinary human being.

Two things: One, they obviously are unaware of the recent research on the variations in the speed of vision from one person to the next.

Two, Walt Disney was certainly not an ordinary human. He was one of the most extraordinary humans of the 20th century, starting from nothing and building perhaps the most iconic entertainment company in the world. That he would have some skills and abilities beyond what the average person might have should be obvious to anyone.

End of rant. I'm sorry. I just can't stand it when people are skeptical even when there's plain evidence for them not to be.
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