Call of duty black ops Cold War - struggling to find a match?

Aug 7, 2023
Hi- I bought BOCW as the new COD reviews aren't great. I'm on pc.

I played it online when I first installed it and found a match fairly quickly. Put it down until yesterday and it took me ages to find a game in TDM/kill count. I had to connect via ethernet (which is a pain) and eventually it found two games but then struggled to find a third so I gave up for the night.

I have cross play enabled, NAT is open and my wifi is fine. I've reset the router etc.

I got BOCW because I read that the servers are still active and it's one of the better releases since 2019.

I'd be annoyed if the lobbies are empty since this game wasn't cheap…...anyone got any fixes / experiencing the same issue?
Dec 3, 2023
Couple things. Black OPs Cold War is now 3+ full years since release, and Modern Warfare 3 is the latest title. Usually, I could imagine, COD titles go more inactive at the launch months, as this is only December, and MW3 hasn't been released for more than a month. Stick with it, Cold War was one of my favorite COD titles. When the high points of the new title slack, then the activity will pick back up, I'm almost sure of it.
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Reactions: Brian Boru
Aug 7, 2023
Couple things. Black OPs Cold War is now 3+ full years since release, and Modern Warfare 3 is the latest title. Usually, I could imagine, COD titles go more inactive at the launch months, as this is only December, and MW3 hasn't been released for more than a month. Stick with it, Cold War was one of my favorite COD titles. When the high points of the new title slack, then the activity will pick back up, I'm almost sure of it.
Thanks v much - I did think that but thought people had given up on MW3. I was tempted to buy it but didn’t want to waste my money. Cold War is really good.

I’ll stick with it…I managed to get into 3 games last night, quicker when plugged in via Ethernet though my NAT had changed from open to moderate.

Out of curiosity…if you are into COD, are you into any other similar games? I struggle to find anything remotely similar and popular multiplayer wise.
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Reactions: Brian Boru
Dec 3, 2023
Absolutely. I'm a fan of different Multiplayer games that bring together the FPS aspects of COD, but have their own originality to them, and large and active communities. Battlefield 1 and 5. I also enjoy some other older COD Titles, which I wouldn't even really bother with them on console, but I like CODBlackOPS 1 on PC. The NEW GTA also looks promising and intriguing.