I've never done anything like this, but hope to some day, so I've been researching it for years. So some general notes/comments which may help…
Will it be a mobile app, or one aimed at browsers?
Are you already familiar with some languages or some platform stacks? If so, you should probably start by using those, because actual game design is likely to be your biggest hurdle.
Your main needs/resources:
1 Database to store all the tables of info—something SQL-based like MySQL or SQLite would likely be best to start with. SQL is different to other languages, but small & easy to learn.
2 Language—if you don't know any already, try Python. It's relatively easy to learn, is very versatile, and should suit number crunching since data science is one of its main applications.
3 GUI—a library for whatever language you pick. But start simply by just printing output to console, you can spruce it up later when the overall design is clearer.
4 IDE or code editor—I recommend Microsoft's VS Code, it's got plugins for dozens of languages and is a truly fine piece of work.
Game Engine
You should check out the main ones, in case one of them might already have integrated resources which would make life easier for you.
Unity and Unreal are the big two generally available, others which might be worth a look are Godot and GameMaker Studio.
No code
Some engines have no-code environments, where you design visually while the engine writes the code in the background—very much like how WYSIWYG apps like Word & Dreamwaever work. These could be very useful for quick prototyping:
Unreal, Unity, Godot, GameMaker all have a no-code option.
As far as I know, older games and many/most current AAA games are written in a variation of C language, mainly C# or C++
Difficult to learn and 'verbose'—ie need 10 lines to do what another language does in one line—their claim to fame is processing speed. This advantage has become much less important recently with the advances in hardware, so unless you're coding a high-visuals action game, you should be fine with slower easier languages.
JavaScript is another fairly easy language, used heavily in web pages, so good if you're browser based.
Whatever language you pick, check out the Frameworks and Libraries available for it—they will make life easier and save you tons of time since you won't have to reinvent existing wheels.
Examples for Python: PyGame and PyAutoGui.
Media Assets
You'll probably need some art & audio. Probably best to buy if you can afford, but if DIY have a look at:
Art—Krita, Inkspace, Blender if you need 3D.
Audio—FL Studio, Harmor.
General Advice
Keep it simplest and smallest at first. Get a tiny horrible but playable mini game working—eg 3 teams with 3 players each in 1 league run in 3 stadiums. Get the gameplay working, all else will follow easier as you'll have proved the practicality of your idea to yourself.
This will take time—many months if you're experienced, maybe a couple of years if it's all new to you.