Battlefield V Discussions


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Any BFV players here? Let's chat!

I bought BFV when Firestorm came out cause I was kind of a Battle Royale junkie at the time, RIP that game mode now.
  • What's your experience with the game so far?
  • What's your favorite game mode?
  • What's your favorite map?
  • What's your most played class and weapon?
  • What's your favorite vehicle?
  • Any opinions on the recent 5.2 - 5.2.2 updates and the changes to TTK, spotting, etc?
  • Any hopes for the game moving forward?
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PCG Phil

UK Editor In Chief
Staff member
Dec 10, 2019
I dip into it every few months and generally enjoy myself. I do find that I can only deal with having so many battle pass style progression systems on the go at one time, though. With BF5, the constant tides of war unlocks just wear me out after a while. I'd probably play it more if I didn't constantly feel like I was missing out on stuff by not playing – as paradoxical as that might sound.

Not been back since the TTK changes, which I know have been pretty controversial, but do wanna dip back in to check out the new Wake Island.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
I completely understand what you mean, when I missed a Tides of War I also stopped playing for a while because if I miss one reward, what's the point of getting the rest?! I came back when they released Iwo Jima.

Wake Island is ok, but right at the release of Pacific War the game was AMAZING. Breakthrough on Iwo Jima was the most fun I've had with a game in a long time, but since the 5.2 update all the weapon balance is out of whack and now I just jump in about once a week to collect Tides of War rewards (the irony).
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Community Manager
Nov 25, 2019
Breakthrough on Iwo Jima was the most fun I've had with a game in a long time
This, a million times this.

Me and my boys play Battlefield V every Thursday. I think the new Iwo Jima Breakthrough map is one of my favorite FPS multiplayer experiences ever, and is level design par excellence. I'm still chasing that initial rush storming the black sand beaches as Americans, the struggle to fight through the caves, and then the awesome feeling of victory when you finally scale the mountain.

What's so amazing about this map is that it's equally as fun playing as the Japanese and holding the American forces back from the caves. Oh the caves, the number of men slaughtered in those caves... horrifying.
Jan 14, 2020
I stopped playing after the 5.2.2 update after about 400 hours. Not that the game suddenly was horrible, but I got burned out on it. The gunplay felt off and I was encountering a lot of cheaters. And I think the cheating problem was the final straw. God I hate cheating...
I have these burn out complaints with every battlefield though. At some point the itch will start again and I'll shoot some more and I hope the game will be a bit more cleaned up.

I do feel like BF V is really struggling from the developer side of things. On one hand there is this rigourous tides of war timeline to be adhered to and on the other hand the core mechanics are a bit schizofrenic with all these changes and reverting back and changing again. It isn't doing the game, the devs nor the community any good if you ask me.

I mostly played conquest and my favourite maps are Arras and Destruction. I liked the occasional breakthrough game though. I think battlefield is at its best when the sides are balanced and I kinda miss that. I feel like a lot of games are not balanced and then you either have a very boring easy win or a very frustrating total loss.

I recognize the wearing out on all the unlocks. At some point I really just stopped caring and didn't even look at them anymore. I also think buying cosmetics is waaaaay to expensive. As a result I didn't buy anything and probably never will.
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Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Seems like the consensus on here is post 5.2 is not great. Here's my answers to the bullet points above:
  • What's your experience with the game so far?
    • I want the TTK be reverted so, so badly.
  • What's your favorite game mode?
    • Breakthrough usually, but I do really love the Operation Underground map in Rush mode.
  • What's your favorite map?
    • Iwo Jima has it all for me.
  • What's your most played class and weapon?
    • Assault, Turner SMLE (before the weapon balance got screwy)
  • What's your favorite vehicle?
    • Japanese Zero with the firebombs, mwahahahahaha.
  • Any opinions on the recent 5.2 - 5.2.2 updates and the changes to TTK, spotting, etc?
    • They need to fix the weapon balance or revert the TTK. The game isn't as fun anymore.
  • Any hopes for the game moving forward?
    • There's no way this is happening, but an update to the Firestorm game mode so that people would play it again. I can dream, can't I?


Jan 19, 2020
It's also excellent. It's optimized really well for more cores/Threads. the 2600x is no slouch and has massive power at only 4.2....where at now where 12 threads overall is looking nicer than just trying to bog 8 down and stuff.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
It's also excellent. It's optimized really well for more cores/Threads. the 2600x is no slouch and has massive power at only 4.2....where at now where 12 threads overall is looking nicer than just trying to bog 8 down and stuff.

Yes, the Frostbite engine is pretty incredible and the game does run great. Even when in the thick of conflict no stutters or slowdowns.
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Jan 19, 2020
None at stutters or nothing...butter smooth even with all that shadow and lighting effects.
Jan 13, 2020
I've played every single battlefield game except BF1. I have 500+ hours invested in BFV. This is the worst. It just feels too fast. I dislike the whole progression/gun unlock system. There are only 2 good maps, Pacific and Iwo Jima. Plus the gun play doesn't feel quite right. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but it feels like theres just something off when I fire the guns.
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Jan 14, 2020
It's quite funny to me how this game has developed.

A quite problematic beta and a not so great launch. Then some good updates and balancing changes. But then again and again terrible decisions which completely kill the balance and the core gameplay. Apart from that it seems that they have huge issues with additional content. Both in quality and in regards to releasing it.

To me BF4 was the absolute peak of the series. Not to forget that BF4 had a terrible launch with a lot of technical issues. It took them about 6 months to fix that, but i think that after that BF4 was the peak of the series and I doubt that we will get close to that in the foreseeable future.
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Jan 13, 2020
I'm a huge BF fan but the way they revamped the revival system and added the bleed-out and help plea just put me off. It would take a huge turnaround for me to buy in on them again. BF4, BF1 are the best IMO.
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Feb 12, 2020
I envy you guys that you can still enjoy playing Battlefield V since all I ever experience was rage since almost all Asian servers are infested with CHEATERS! You would be very lucky if you can join a server with no cheater inside, but even if there is no cheater, sooner or later a loser would join and blatantly use cheats even on official DICE servers. And the worst part is that EA/DICE is not doing anything to curb cheating on these servers. I had reported already several of these losers but I still keep seeing the same players cheating in the servers with no punishment. So to keep my sanity in check I had to uninstall the game or I might have smashed my keyboard on to my screen because of rage for this cheaters.