Hello !
So my laptop have been having a bunch of problems lately. The context is, I've been on hollidays for more than 3 weeks, without my laptop, it was completly off when I left. When I came back, it was incredibly slow, couldn't browse correctly, watch videos correclty, play any game I could easily play before. So I decided to "Reset" it, with windows options, it was usually enough to get it to work fast again. I did that 3 times, but it still don't work, same problem, a sort of stuttering, everything is slow, like my laptop performances were being capped. So I decided to completely format it. I've installed windows and windows only, two times, and the problem is still here. I've tried once of these two times browsing with the default browser, without installing anything else, and it was still slow.
I've done a benchmark, well several benchmarks actually, there'll the details of my components there, and if you don't trust the link I'll put screenshots if needed
Benchmark : https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/32420149 ( The thing is that I don't know if this is a reliable benchmark, if it is accurante and all )
I don't know what to do anymore, what I've been thinking about is taking it somewhere to repair it because I can only think of a physic problem on the components maybe.
Thank you for the assistance !
So my laptop have been having a bunch of problems lately. The context is, I've been on hollidays for more than 3 weeks, without my laptop, it was completly off when I left. When I came back, it was incredibly slow, couldn't browse correctly, watch videos correclty, play any game I could easily play before. So I decided to "Reset" it, with windows options, it was usually enough to get it to work fast again. I did that 3 times, but it still don't work, same problem, a sort of stuttering, everything is slow, like my laptop performances were being capped. So I decided to completely format it. I've installed windows and windows only, two times, and the problem is still here. I've tried once of these two times browsing with the default browser, without installing anything else, and it was still slow.
I've done a benchmark, well several benchmarks actually, there'll the details of my components there, and if you don't trust the link I'll put screenshots if needed
Benchmark : https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/32420149 ( The thing is that I don't know if this is a reliable benchmark, if it is accurante and all )
I don't know what to do anymore, what I've been thinking about is taking it somewhere to repair it because I can only think of a physic problem on the components maybe.
Thank you for the assistance !