Question Advice for a new build

Sep 22, 2023
Hi, I am buying a tower pc for my gamer boyfriend. He has shown a lot of interest in getting into pc gaming but we haven’t been able to afford anything for a while. I currently have around £1000 saved and want to buy a gaming pc for his Xmas. Any recommendations? I did have a look at this:

PCSPECIALIST Icon 240 Gaming PC - AMD Ryzen 5, RTX 3060, 1 TB SSD​

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PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: *Intel Core i5-12400F 2.5 GHz 6-Core Processor (£135.09 @ Box Limited)
CPU Cooler: *Deepcool AG400 75.89 CFM CPU Cooler (£29.47 @
Motherboard: *MSI PRO B760-P WIFI DDR4 ATX LGA1700 Motherboard (£139.00 @ Computer Orbit)
Memory: *Corsair Vengeance LPX 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory (£59.99 @ Amazon UK)
Storage: *Samsung 970 Evo Plus 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive (£49.46 @ Amazon UK)
Video Card: *MSI VENTUS 2X BLACK OC GeForce RTX 4060 8 GB Video Card (£289.00 @ Computer Orbit)
Case: *Fractal Design Focus 2 ATX Mid Tower Case (£65.98 @ Amazon UK)
Power Supply: *Corsair RM750e (2023) 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply (£99.98 @
Operating System: *Microsoft Windows 11 Home OEM - DVD 64-bit (£112.99 @ AWD-IT)
Case Fan: *ARCTIC P12 56.3 CFM 120 mm Fan (£8.50 @ AWD-IT)
Total: £989.46
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
*Lowest price parts chosen from parametric criteria
Generated by PCPartPicker 2023-09-22 17:03 BST+0100
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