Achievement Showcase (Current Game): Share funny, intereting, rare achievements from the game(s) you are currently playing.


Community Contributor
I doubt this will take off, but ChatGPT thinks it will (just kidding). Share the interesting, funny and rare achievements from your current games.


This isn't (by a small margin) my rarest achievement in Big Ambitions, but it's basically an achievement for finishing the game up to this point in development, and I was actually impressed that this high a percentage of players made it this far. Usually, by the time I get to the end game achievements, they are easily in single digits.

(note: image shows up in preview, but not in published post. Not sure what to do about that)

(renote: Okay, ImgBB doesn't work on the new site. Used Postimages and it was fine)
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Humpff, Ubi doesn't show %s :(
These 2 are together in the list, and might be a bit rare.

First is only for some bases, which have a SCC, and means getting in there to whack the alarms rather than the usual snipe them from distance.

Second was one play session where my objective was to chute-drop onto an enemy to see if I could manage it—got it around 4th attempt! I didn't realize Death From Above was even a thing in the game—it didn't give me any clue it was until just now when I saw this… I had previously dropped on baddies from roofs and cliffs, but certainly not from 50m up :)



Community Contributor
I'm not specifically after achievements in Big Ambitions, and there are a bunch I'm not going to get because they are for negative things, like collapse and be hospitalized 10 times or getting 200 parking tickets. Why would I do either of those? They are easy enough to avoid. Also stuff like hiring 50 HR Managers. Wut? That's insane. Have 25 apartments? Why? Just a lot of nonsense achievements.


On a Journey
I'm not specifically after achievements in Big Ambitions, and there are a bunch I'm not going to get because they are for negative things, like collapse and be hospitalized 10 times or getting 200 parking tickets. Why would I do either of those? They are easy enough to avoid. Also stuff like hiring 50 HR Managers. Wut? That's insane. Have 25 apartments? Why? Just a lot of nonsense achievements.
perhaps they for people who want to play long term and will get them eventually after a few play throughs... like the 50k sold items in TL2. There is one for having 10 million gold - I won't ever have that one as while there is a shared stash for items, it doesn't do it for gold. Getting 1 million took me 9 years and I only achieved it using mods (not cheats, just mods that added way more to game). rest of the achievements are probably multiplayer ones or Hard core.

I don't play games for achievements. I am happy to accept them but generally don't search for them (although, the "return to Journey after 1 week without playing" achievement was earned on PS4 by disconnecting it from internet and changing date forward one week, but only as I knew chances of me not playing for a week were slim - I could earn them all in 1 playthrough otherwise)
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Community Contributor
Steam only seems to show rarity on the front page, if I click into full list it doesn't list it?
At the top of the list, there's an option to view the global list.

If we're showing not-current games, I've got far, far more interesting achievements!

Divinity: Original Sin 2

That was REALLY hard!

Finished Lohse's mission, which was also especially hard - and especially satisfying when I finished it!

Saints Row: The Third

The only good escort missions in any game.

Never mind using a folding chair or the ring bell, this is Murderbrawl, and I've got a chainsaw!


I was falsely accused of looking up 2B's skirt! I was taking screenshots of 2B and 9S in front of a castle. Of course I didn't want them just standing in front of a blank wall and you've got to look upward to see the towers and battlements. BAM! Busted!!

Outer Wilds

Didn't even last a minute.... ooops.
Wait, so you aren't supposed to burn them?
Flying the "tutorial" rocket into the sun was both silly and fun

The Stanley Parable

Some of us did it right!


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I completed Icewind Dale & the DLC Hearts of Winter last week, and was somewhat surprised that less than 10% of the players completed either one. Granted it's an old game, even playing the EE version, and some people probably play it on GOG, but still less than 10% for completing the game was surprising.



EDIT: Still an issue with Imgur displaying images, as I noted in the monthly thread.
(dohh, forgot about Imgur's issues right now)
Epic Games doesn't show you rarest achievements so I can't see where I'm at on Death Stranding but I know I've unlocked a good 20-30 already. I'm not an achievement hunter either and the only 100% game I have on Steam seems to be The Walking Dead which my sister played to bits. A lot of the rare achievements I have also seem a bit unfair in some ways, like either the game is really unpopular, they're achievements I got before achievements were implemented with Steam, or other factors that just doesn't seem like it's something I really achieved, like on Tower Unite I have an achievement only 0.9% of players have which is just getting likes on a Workshop item.

Here are some standouts from past games:

Deus Ex Human Revolution: I loved exploring each and every nook and cranny I could find and this achievement gave me a good chuckle. I really spend about 20 minutes in the very first level of the game just pouring over Megan's office supplies. Once you find one easter egg, you have to find them all!

CS:GO: Back when I was obsessed with CSGO and played for 6 hours a day. I would play a lot of deathmatch on Dust_2 for practice before comp matches.

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition: Self explanatory, I'm the cockfighting king.

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam: I suppose I channeled my inner TF2 consciousness to unlock this one.

Day of Infamy: I played this game religiously for a year or two when it first came out and the playerbase was at it's peak. Such an amazing homage to Day of Defeat, great WWII multiplayer FPS.

Tower Unite: Party time!!
Im not one to really care about what achievements i get in a game, but my rarest achievement according to steam comes from the latest Call of Duty where i completed a level w/o using a gun with only .8% of players doing this so far, but i dont feel like thats my rarest. There are some rare ones i grabbed off the xbox back in the day when they were the first ones to use achievement scores. There was an achievement in Gears of War that had you kill 10,000 people in online matches. Its not that its unobtainable, it just takes a lot of playing to reach that many MP kills, especially back in the day. When i got that, i was pretty excited and still remember doing that to this day.

Then, there was Ghost Recon; Island Thunder. There wasnt any achievements at the time, but i would say that getting over 100 kills in 1 online session shouldve been one. This is a game where you can spawn kill and it took some skill to get out of it if you were the victim of one. Back when i played with a clan thru gamebattles and MLG we were running a skrimmage match against another clan and they couldnt get out of the clutches of being spawn killed for the whole duration of the match (yes they did try to get out, killing one of us every so often). We ended the match with me and one other player of ours getting over 100 kills in the one session. Ah, good times.
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