4X8 gig ram @ 2600hz worth $200 to get 3200hz?

Jun 1, 2022
i would like to know if i would see any improvement getting a motherboard that can fully utilize 3200 hz ram sticks at the moment i have 4X8 gig stick rated for 3200hz but my motherboard only supports 2666hz , does anyone know how much of an improvement i would get and if it is worth spending about 200$ for ?
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It would be nice to know the other specs we are dealing with, such as CPU and GPU and what monitor you have also. It might be that spending $200 there would get you more performance or improve your experience more..

Without that information, I'm going to say that its probably not worth it in 95% of cases. faster RAM helps when CPU limited in games, but in most cases you wouldn't know the difference in a blind test.
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Jun 1, 2022
i would like to know if i would see any improvement getting a motherboard that can fully utilize 3200 hz ram sticks at the moment i have 4X8 gig stick rated for 3200hz but my motherboard only supports 2666hz , does anyone know how much of an improvement i would get and if it is worth spending about 200$ for ?

CPU i5-11400f
GPU RTX 3060
Monitor acer VG270P @144hz
motherboard G10CE

this is the pc itself on BestBuy:

Thank you for your help!
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Jun 1, 2022
If we're dealing with an I9 12900K with an RTX 3090Ti on a 360Hz 1080p monitor, money to burn, and wants to get closer to that max refresh rate in COD Warzone, possibly.

Maybe I should have said 99% of the time.

Techspot did some testing with Ryzen most recently that I know of, if @N3CR0N1C0 wants to see the ball park difference it makes in most games.

i would like to run any modern titles at 144hz 1080p (graphic setting do not bother me much can be set to the lowest ) to max out my monitors potential but i am not sure if that is a realistic expectation, what do you think ?
Jun 1, 2022
The PC in your link has a B560 board and the B560 chipset supports 3200mhz RAM.

how would i get it my ram is currently only running at 2600hz according to my task manager, i also seem to have no xmp section in my bios.

it seems it may have been removed since i bought a prebuild.

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Jun 1, 2022
Did you try to manually enter it in the bios?

I essentially got to a page that looks like this without the extreme tweaker section.