Question 3070 Ti only 120fps in Warzone and other Games?

Jun 2, 2022
Hey guys, I have some problems with the performance of my PC. When playing Warzone (ingame settings quality etc. normal, 1080P) I only have around 110 - 120 FPS. I think it should be way higher, but I am not sure what causes the issue here. I am also not running any other programs while gaming.

I recently got Borderlands 3 in the Epic Games Sale, and when having the quality on Ultra I did a benchmark Test which you can do ingame, and I only had 55 - 65 FPS. Is that normal for my CPU and GPU?

Here is my setup:

AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT 8x 3,9 GHz 32 MB L3-Chache AM4
GeForce 3070 Ti
Asus TUF Gaming B450- Plus AMD B450
16 GB DDR4 3200 MHz (2x8GB - Dual Channel)

Is my CPU not strong enough to go over 120 FPS in Warzone or whats the bottleneck?

It would be great if anyone has some tipps for me how I can increase the performance. Thank you!
Last edited:
Jun 5, 2022
It's definently not a CPU bottleneck. That Ryzen has more than enough bandwidth to keep up with a 3070 Ti.

Can you screenshot your Nvidia settings from the control panel and share them here?

EDIT: Also send a screenshot of your GPU's specs in system information, also found in the Nvidia control panel.
Jun 2, 2022
It's definently not a CPU bottleneck. That Ryzen has more than enough bandwidth to keep up with a 3070 Ti.

Can you screenshot your Nvidia settings from the control panel and share them here?

EDIT: Also send a screenshot of your GPU's specs in system information, also found in the Nvidia control panel.

I am not able to post any screenshots here, I can only add images by inserting a link
Jun 5, 2022

Thank you for those screenshots. The GPU's specs look fine and drivers are up to date.

In the Nvidia settings change

Gammakorrektur = Aus
Shader Cache= Should be Aus if you use a HDD, Ein if you use an SSD
Funktion = Aus
Threaded-Optimierung = Ein
Vertikale Synchronisierung = Aus

Give these settings a try.
Jun 2, 2022
Thank you for taking the time!
I just tried it with the new settings and could not see any improevemt. Still around 110-120 fps in Warzone.

I will try to solve it and will let you know if I there is a way to fix this
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Jun 5, 2022
Thermal throttling perhaps? What temps do your CPU and GPU hit when running a game? I use HWMonitor, found on the same as site as CPUz


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