Hello! I can't remember the name of a game and it's driving me crazy! I posted this on the r/gaming and r/tipofmyjoystick forums but I haven't had any luck. If my description rings a bell for anyone you'll have my extensive gratitude!
In the part I remember, you had to drive around a dim and sinister city with bright neon items floating around. There was a time limit to the level, and if you didn't complete it in time, some kind of disaster befell the city, I think a chemical/gas leak/spill. Very vividly I remember a cutscene that takes place after you lose (the game was my sister's and she kept losing so we saw the cutscene numerous times). There are two people gradually disintegrating as a result of the chemical disaster, and there is a voiceover of a panicking news anchor broadcasting news of the disaster.
[Mod edit: changed title for clarity from "Circa 1999 Windows PC game, a dark city with floating neon items, if you take too long to beat the level there is a chemical disaster".]
In the part I remember, you had to drive around a dim and sinister city with bright neon items floating around. There was a time limit to the level, and if you didn't complete it in time, some kind of disaster befell the city, I think a chemical/gas leak/spill. Very vividly I remember a cutscene that takes place after you lose (the game was my sister's and she kept losing so we saw the cutscene numerous times). There are two people gradually disintegrating as a result of the chemical disaster, and there is a voiceover of a panicking news anchor broadcasting news of the disaster.
[Mod edit: changed title for clarity from "Circa 1999 Windows PC game, a dark city with floating neon items, if you take too long to beat the level there is a chemical disaster".]
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