130 dollar PSU?

So, in my latest part of my build im picking out a PSU, i want a 1000 watt psu because i do overclocking and such and found this really cheap/affordable PSU on amazon, but im not sure if its trustworthy. What do you guys think?

heres the link: AGT 1000w PSU

So... yes its 139 but at checkout its 20 off and with taxes (for me at least) brings it back to 130 for a 1000w PSU. Now i know youre thinking that its gotta be a knockoff cheap brand right? I think that too at first, it has 487 reviews (although its only been out since January of this year) and sits at 4.7 out of 5, its in the top 25 (currently #17) psu supplies on amazon with other wattages from the same company throughout the top 25 as well but the biggest thing for me is that its rated 80+ Gold and im pretty sure they dont just hand those out if it cant meet that standard right??

I just cant get over how cheap it is and im building a powerful PC while trying to save money, what would you do? Should i trust this brand? I also see very little professional reviews on it (pcgamer has none), so im conflicted atm...
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On a Journey
thinks... don't know that name... clicks link


starts saying no repeatedly …
buy a PSU from EVGA, Corsair or Seasonic and know you will get the Power it says on side of box. Might cost more but it won't kill the other parts in the PC, and it will last a few years at least.

I don't trust amazon reviews, I don't buy anything you can only find reviews for on Amazon. I prefer reviews from hardware websites that might actually test the PSU and not just do an unboxing. There is more to it than price. Quality of parts and length of warranty also come into it.

That PSU has no mention of a warranty. Only one mentioned on page is if it arrives DOA, not how long you get coverage for faulty hardware. My 750 watt Seasonic PSU has a 10 year warranty, it will likely still work after I replace this PC. That gives me peace of mind as PSU doesn't have cheap parts in it that won't die in the 1st few months.

If you building a powerful PC, don't put a cheap PSU in as it can cause problems later if it can't supply the power your other parts need under load.
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On a Journey
I am on my 6th PC now, my 1st 3 had cheap PSU and I had a series of hdd deaths and blamed the drives. As I started getting better quality PSU, the amount of hardware deaths has dropped to point last hdd I had die was almost 9 years ago now. Last two PSU have been Seasonic. I went from cheap PSU to best in 20 years.

I realise the hdd deaths were likely the no name PSU I got in the cases. PSU & Case used to be last things I thought of... now they close to top of list. Case takes me months to choose.
Do you need a 1KW PSU for your build? If so buy something that's reliably built from Seasonic as opposed to buying something that's only capable of causing a house fire. If you need to go off reviews, don't go off reviews made on seller sites or listing, with the advent of digital marketing tactics, there's no telling if the reviews were paid off by the PSU maker(yes they can do that) or if there are less than competent folks out there who made a good product look bad or a bad product look good. You should always read through verified reviewers.

Simple answer, if the PSU was given to me for free by AGT, I'd gut the unit or ruin it so it wouldn't fall into an unsuspecting/uninformed individual's hands.
So, in my latest part of my build im picking out a PSU, i want a 1000 watt psu because i do overclocking and such and found this really cheap/affordable PSU on amazon, but im not sure if its trustworthy. What do you guys think?

heres the link: AGT 1000w PSU

So... yes its 139 but at checkout its 20 off and with taxes (for me at least) brings it back to 130 for a 1000w PSU. Now i know youre thinking that its gotta be a knockoff cheap brand right? I think that too at first, it has 487 reviews (although its only been out since January of this year) and sits at 4.7 out of 5, its in the top 25 (currently #17) psu supplies on amazon with other wattages from the same company throughout the top 25 as well but the biggest thing for me is that its rated 80+ Gold and im pretty sure they dont just hand those out if it cant meet that standard right??

I just cant get over how cheap it is and im building a powerful PC while trying to save money, what would you do? Should i trust this brand? I also see very little professional reviews on it (pcgamer has none), so im conflicted atm...
What's your system specs?
What's your system specs?

Well i haven't picked up the CPU or MOBO yet, i was gonna throw it in a pc with a RTX 3070ti, was probably gonna get a 500 series mobo with an 11th gen intel cpu.

I am gonna go with the advice that its probably better to get a more well known tried and true company, EVGA to be exact since i have my gpu registered with them as well.

Thanks for the feedback guys!
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Well i haven't picked up the CPU or MOBO yet, i was gonna throw it in a pc with a RTX 3070ti, was probably gonna get a 500 series mobo with an 11th gen intel cpu.

I am gonna go with the advice that its probably better to get a more well known tried and true company, EVGA to be exact since i have my gpu registered with them as well.

Thanks for the feedback guys!
An 850w psu will easily power any 11 gen cpu + 3070 ti and that includes the power hungry waste of money i9 11900K. If it was a 3080 Ti or 3090 then I could see the justification of a 1000w psu.

In no particular order .. Seasonic, mid to upper tier Corsair, EVGA and Super Flower (who manufactures the high end psu's for EVGA).

Seasonic has been manufacturing high end psu's for Corsair for as long as I can remember.

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On a Journey
I just go to Seasonic as they appear to be the OEM of a lot of the other companies so why not just use them. They were the PSU maker for IBM a long time ago too so they been making them for a while.

I have a PX 750 - link
shame FM has no hybrid fan mode. I see the FX has the button.
My fan is never on.