🤔 What PC is needed for 🔥CLASSIC🔥 RTS games?

May 23, 2020
Hey guys, new to the forum 👋😁

I want to re-visit my adolescence in playing some old RTS games like Stronghold Crusaders, Dawn of War 40k, and Command & Conquer 3, but I don’t have a computer for it.

I REALLY don’t have 💰💰💰 to spend on an expensive system.
I was thinking something like this might work? -

(I would downgrade to Windows 7, of course)

Any and all thoughts are much appreciated!!
- Cday5
May 2, 2020
Command and Conquer 3 won't work on an integrated gpu. You'll need a dedicated graphics card to play some of the more 3D heavy games.

Also all games like the ones you've listed work on Windows 10.
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Feb 17, 2020
You can probably buy the same thing on ebay from a professional seller for half the price, and have an extra layer of buyer protection tbh.

Command and Conquer 3 probably will run fine on integrated graphics at 720p at managed settings - depends on the OP's expectations - though if they can get the system cheaper they might also be able to get a low profile GPU to add in as well.

I'd also recommend not downgrading to Windows 7, since it's not being updated any more.
May 23, 2020
Kingslayer, thanks for your input.

I actually have changed the PC I’ll be buying to this guy:
(w/16G ram & 1TB drive)

Yeah, I had thought that might be the case. Do you think something like the GeForce GT 1030 or the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti would do the trick? The first option is significantly cheaper, so that’d be nice 😅

Also, I‘m planning on trying to run this on my 24in HDTV. Do you think this is a determinative factor of which graphics card to get?
(I know playing on a TV can affect a bunch of other stuff too)
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May 23, 2020
Oussebon, thanks for your thoughts, man.

Considering the comments I left above for Kingslayer, do you have any thoughts on a graphics card considering my current plan?

thanks 👍👍
Feb 17, 2020
Unless pricing is extremely weird in your region, avoid the GT 1030. It's already a certain chunk of money, and not cheaper enough than a 1050 ti to be worth the savings. While I'm sure either would work for the strategy titles you mentioned, if you ever wanted to play anything else - anything modern like a new iteration in those franchises, a total war title even from several years ago, anything basically, a 1050 ti will get you a lot further. Its well over twice as powerful.

The GTX 1650 may be only a little more than the 1050 ti and is a further 50% faster on top of that.

Also, be sure this is the approach you want to take, too (buying a very old PC and trying to spruce it up).

You're buying hardware that is already 8-9 years old, has no warranty to speak of, and that will usually have proprietary connectors for some things on the motherboard, making swap-outs problematic. It might seem like a saving but could easily be a waste of money.

You could buy and build a new system for not dissimilar amounts of money:
PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 (14nm) 3.1 GHz Quad-Core Processor ($87.20 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Asus PRIME A320M-K Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($59.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: Crucial Ballistix 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($34.99 @ B&H)
Storage: ADATA SU635 240 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($29.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Antec VSK3000E-U3 MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($37.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: EVGA 400 W ATX Power Supply ($39.91 @ Walmart)
Total: $290.07
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-05-25 06:57 EDT-0400

Not saying the above spec is amazing (and it could possibly be tweaked), but at least the bits have got a warranty (3 year for the mobo for example), and you have upgrade options that would be unavailable to you on an 8-9 year old system. And if things die outside of warranty it will be easier to source and fit replacements.
Feb 17, 2020
Also, I‘m planning on trying to run this on my 24in HDTV. Do you think this is a determinative factor of which graphics card to get?
(I know playing on a TV can affect a bunch of other stuff too)
Not really, your HDTV will be 1080p or 720p, and all the points above about GPU choice apply I think.
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May 2, 2020
I agree with Oussebon. You'll be much better off long term buying newer hardware on a custom build based on your budget as it can be upgraded later on.

Warranties are a lifesaver on computer parts. My Corsair power supply got knocked out back in 2013 and I got a brand new one under warranty which is still working to this day. You'll have to spend more than you were expecting but it'll be well worth it.

You can buy a new gpu like the 1650 or you can spend some money you reserved for the gpu and buy a Ryzen 2200G with Vega 8 integrated gpu that gives good gaming performance. Example -

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KszE83K_O_w
(it's a 2400g which is more expensive but a 2200g will handle C&C3 just fine on your HDTV)

Link - https://pcpartpicker.com/product/RkJtt6/amd-ryzen-3-2200g-35ghz-quad-core-processor-yd2200c5fbbox

So instead of spending more on a graphics card, get a 2200g and upgrade it later down the line. 8gb ram is sufficient enough for you needs.

Also please don't skimp on the power supply and buy a premium brand like Corsair. I've heard too many horror stories of folks seeing smoke coming out of their cases haha.
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May 23, 2020
Oussebon, thanks so much for your input. I’m pretty new to the computer tech scene, so TRUELY, your help is a real God-send! I’m pretty sure at this point I’m gonna order the parts, roll my sleeves up, and learn how to custom pc this mother🤘💪😝
May 23, 2020
Kingslayer, all the same sentiments as above to Oussebon go out to you, bro - Thanks ALOT!
I’m kinda a nerd about understaning how things work anyways, so putting this bad boy together should not only be a smart decision but a freakin fun one as well 😆

Thinkin I‘ll just try to stretch the budget a little and go for the AMD Ryzen 5 3400 4-core too🤘
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