Recent content by YOLO_So_PlayGames

  1. YOLO_So_PlayGames

    Weekend Question: When's the last time you looked up a walkthrough?

    A few months ago I decided to refresh my memory with a walkthrough of Stalker (to be ready for Stalker 2)
  2. YOLO_So_PlayGames

    Are dating sims still alive?

    Any suggestions on what to play?
  3. YOLO_So_PlayGames

    If you would be able to combine two games, what games it would be?

    hahahah no, honestly hearing first time about her
  4. YOLO_So_PlayGames

    Weekend Question: What's the last game whose graphics wowed you?

    HD Overhaul of She Will Punish Them! Definitely wow for the skin details and all other stuff!!
  5. YOLO_So_PlayGames

    If you would be able to combine two games, what games it would be?

    RTS + FPS is one game I know Freeman Guerrilla Warfare, they are indie though (as I mentioned lol)
  6. YOLO_So_PlayGames

    If you would be able to combine two games, what games it would be?

    I would like combinations of Dark Souls + Mount and Blade :D
  7. YOLO_So_PlayGames

    If you would be able to combine two games, what games it would be?

    What the hit-combination is on your mind? :D Or any combination, that already exist? There are some decent combinations of genres and games, but most of them made by indie developers :unsure:
  8. YOLO_So_PlayGames

    What was the first video game you remember playing?

    I remember it was something.... about the dog Rex? some logical challenges for kids lol