Recent content by xCrossGaming

  1. xCrossGaming

    Any Yugioh Duel Links Fans Around Here?

    I'm an OG Yugioh fan like I'm 31 years old and grew up with the anime and buying packs of cards and sneakily taking some of my friend's cards when they weren't looking. I recently wanted to scratch my Yugioh itch and got into Duel Links and holy crap it actually makes me feel like a kid again...
  2. xCrossGaming

    What are your 2024 gaming predictions and resolutions?

    I predict that we will come out with Sword Art Online
  3. xCrossGaming

    Does getting really good at a game ruin the fun for you?

    Yooo definitely not, it makes it way more fun. Mainly because there's always someone better so there is always something to work towards, and when you're really good you get to poop on people every time you play so its amazing
  4. xCrossGaming

    The last game you completed

    Oh man I don't even know, probably Pokemon Gold on the Gameboy
  5. xCrossGaming

    What is the best shooting game on PC?

    It's not listed here but it's definitely Halo 3, too bad the newer Halos are not the same anymore
  6. xCrossGaming

    What was the first video game you remember playing?

    Shoot man I vaguely remember some super nintendo games like donkey kong but main main first console was N64 so like probably Zelda Ocarina of Time