Recent content by Vanish_gold16

  1. Vanish_gold16

    Question Problem with Dualshock 4 on pc ! Help me please!

    Listen, I removed all the drivers, InputMapper, and Dualshok works through a cable) via Bluetooth it just does not see / do you know what this might be related to?
  2. Vanish_gold16

    Question Problem with Dualshock 4 on pc ! Help me please!

    Thank you very much, I'll take a look now
  3. Vanish_gold16

    Question Problem with Dualshock 4 on pc ! Help me please!

    Yes, I just removed it from devices in Bluetooth and then added it again. But this works every other time: /
  4. Vanish_gold16

    Question Problem with Dualshock 4 on pc ! Help me please!

    I did everything as they say here, the controller is white, it is paired by bluetooth, but it is not displayed in the incentive ..
  5. Vanish_gold16

    Question Problem with Dualshock 4 on pc ! Help me please!

    By the way, in the device manager the gamepad is displayed as: Bluetooth HID device
  6. Vanish_gold16

    Question Problem with Dualshock 4 on pc ! Help me please!

    Hey! I already tried it ( I used to play just through steam, or through a cable. But now the computer simply does not see Dualshock. And I, by the way, from a PC, so the Fix & Replace function is not available for me. Now I will try again this combination. You can Anything else to help me?
  7. Vanish_gold16

    Question Problem with Dualshock 4 on pc ! Help me please!

    Hello everyone! I bought a Dualshock. I connected it a week ago, everything works fine. Installed DS4Windows recently. When I downloaded it, changed some settings there, Dualshock no longer works .. It does not even connect to the phone. When connected to a PC, via a wire, it lights up in the...
  8. Vanish_gold16

    Question Distortion of graphics + dots on the monitor. What to do?

    I play rdr2, gta 5, cs go, hearts of iron iv and everything is fine with them. Well, thanks a lot for the advice!
  9. Vanish_gold16

    Question Distortion of graphics + dots on the monitor. What to do?

    Hello everyone! I recently downloaded a game called Detroit: Become Human. I go and here it is! I play for a couple of minutes, then the graphics start to squint, the whole screen turns red and multi-colored dots run across the dial. Other games don't have this, so the monitor isn't the problem...