Recent content by Rustledstardust

  1. Rustledstardust

    Please Stick to Games

    I would recommend informing yourself on a subject before commenting on it Hveðrungr.
  2. Rustledstardust

    Help, I can't finish RPGs anymore

    I've honestly had the same issues with Pillars of Eternity, I love the lore and how immersive the world is. Problem is if I spend more than a week away from it I feel like I need to relearn much of what I've already gone over.
  3. Rustledstardust

    Solved What you think about Night Mode?

    This really is a game-changer.
  4. Rustledstardust

    Best entry level strategy games?

    Crusader Kings 2. However with the high entry price point you may wish to wait until Crusader Kings 3 comes out. XCOM 2 for some good turn-based team combat. Total War, you may want to start off with Shogun 2 or Rome 2 if you feel like Warhammer isn't your thing and would prefer something...
  5. Rustledstardust

    Competition Win an EPIC Black Edition gaming chair from noblechairs!

    I have to go with Knights of the Old Republic 2 (including patch fixes). The characters and storyline just really immerse me into the game. Hopefully one day we'll get more good games and maybe even films of the era.