Recent content by PointnClicker01

  1. PointnClicker01

    Question What can you do in a "walking simulator" besides walking before it's no longer a walking simulator?

    This would include 100% of the games I played. And it would also mean that Point'n'Click adventures would count as walking simulators! :LOL: I think nowadays it is always hard to say what a game is or isn't. Many games are playing in between the genres and some even do question a whole gaming...
  2. PointnClicker01

    Looking for new point and click games

    Welcome to the Forum, @Srulikg ! Now, that's a question I've been waiting for! I'm happy that there's still some enthusiasts out there who want to enjoy some good old Point'n'Click adventures :D @Belfast07 and @Slasken already gave some great suggestions. Especially Oxenfree was one of my...
  3. PointnClicker01

    A game you wanted to like but you just couldn't?

    Only two games come to my mind… The big one is Myst. I really wanted to like the game because it‘s Myst and the game has influenced so many games afterwards. I am actually angry with myself for not even finishing it, but I have paused it for a while now and I‘ve forgotten my progress, so I...
  4. PointnClicker01

    Help this concept artist develop a world!

    I am propably not part of the main target group (the only game I have played from your list is Horizon Zero Dawn)… but I will also have a go at it: 1. I am a hunter class player as I prefer to have my combats from a distance (preferably none at all) and I would try to win a fight by preparing...
  5. PointnClicker01

    Looking to play something different than my usual genre. Suggestions for an RPG in my backlog.

    I am neither a shooter nor a combat gamer, so all of to listed games are unknown to me… (I‘ve heard of some of course, but I never player them.) However, since the games are all in your your backlog, I would think that you wanted to play all of these games at some point, or you wouldn‘t have...
  6. PointnClicker01

    What are you playing this weekend (March 2024)?

    This was actually one of my first experiences with the game! Right after the comment in the sense of „You don‘t have to click on each and every object in this office, Pal, or we will both be 80 until you arrive at the doors“. :ROFLMAO:
  7. PointnClicker01

    What are you playing this weekend (March 2024)?

    Happy Easter everyone! Since it is a long weekend, I decided to have a look into a game which is sitting in my library unplayed for quite some time now: The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe I already knew what would await me because I have seen some streams about the game before… but it still got...
  8. PointnClicker01

    What are you playing this weekend (March 2024)?

    I’m currently lacking the time to try out new games that may capture me for too long… So my focus lies on replaying some of the shorter yet enjoyable games from my library. This weekend, I‘ve replayed Orwell: Ignorance is Strength. It is a game based on a lot of reading. You are an...
  9. PointnClicker01

    What past game deserves a sequel that hasnt had one yet? (2024)

    I‘m with you on this one :) I would love to see another story in the style and gameplay of Grim Fandango! I would also wish for a sequel of The Council (2018). First of all, the ending was not only too abrupt but it also felt like a huge cliffhanger, that until now… never got resolved...
  10. PointnClicker01

    Huge Daedalic Sale (Ends tomorrow)

    @Brian Boru Thanks for your mentioning :) I‘m still around, but quite busy atm as I‘m in Egypt since Silvester. So unfortunately no time for any gaming, but I’m still checking the forum from time to time to keep me updated ;) I‘m looking forward to try Crazy machines and Ken Follett when I‘m...
  11. PointnClicker01

    2023 Scam Award goes to

    What confuses me about all the news is: It seems Fntastic also created some games before, so… were they scam too? If not then I might stick to @ZedClampet ’s opinion. Yet I am wondering now… Can just anyone create something and put it on steam for any amount of money? If so, I will pay more...
  12. PointnClicker01

    The last game you completed

    I finished my last game quite a while ago since I‘m quite occupied since September and probably will stay occupied until mid February… but here we go: I‘ve finished Jurassic World Evolution this late summer. It was actually the first game of its kind that I tried and I really enjoyed the...
  13. PointnClicker01

    What is your most unforgettable game scene?

    What a lovely question to answer and sneak back into the forum… Hi to all :) As of my most memorable moments of one game, I have to admit that I don‘t really memorize the scenes as such as more the feeling I had during playing them. One of my favourite memories comes from The Council (2018)...
  14. PointnClicker01

    PCG Article RPG News (Yea!), 5 Recent PCG Articles on various RPG topics

    That‘s an interesting thought! Although, I‘d say Hunger Games wouldn‘t be the right base to create a „Hogwarts-like“ openworld, storydriven RPG. The big bonus of Hogwarts is, that you‘re extremely free to explore, while in Panem, you‘d get shoot if you move one step to the wrong place… Also, (at...
  15. PointnClicker01

    Hogwarts Legacy Discussion

    I've completely sunken into the game the last few days. Yesterday, I finished the main quest line and all I can say is that I enjoyed this game more than any other open world I've tried out before (which aren't that many, but it definitely beats Horizon Zero Dawn by now). I normally play open...