Recent content by Nomad Fomalhaut

  1. Nomad Fomalhaut

    What are your operator mains in Rainbow Six Siege?

    She either fits your style of play or she don't. I feel like she's specific use and people who don't play aggressively won't gel that well with her. I'm loving the new map. I've loved all of the time-limited events so far. They're just a nice change of pace. I love just standing at the window...
  2. Nomad Fomalhaut

    What are your operator mains in Rainbow Six Siege?

    I'm all about that shotgun play. Not that I'm brilliant at the game and speak with authority but I see a lot of the YouTubers complaining that she's bad because they zipline to site and then immediately get shot - I always zipline to an adjacent room or under the OBJ as people are typically...
  3. Nomad Fomalhaut

    Competition Win an EPIC Black Edition gaming chair from noblechairs!

    Favourite game of all time is FFVIII. This is the game that truly hooked me into loving games and blurring the lines of where my world ended and the game worlds began. I remember the name of Yoshinori Kitase as being a name that I saw several times a day for years and it made me want to be...
  4. Nomad Fomalhaut

    Introduce yourself here!

    If you click on your account in the top right and go to preferences, the first option is style. You can turn Dark Mode on here. :D
  5. Nomad Fomalhaut

    Art Megathread: Tattoos!

    I've had people spot my Griever tattoo and say with no hint of a joke, "Why do you have a tattoo of Africa on your arm?" o_O The colour on the Mario tattoo is phenomenal. :love:
  6. Nomad Fomalhaut

    Art Megathread: Tattoos!

    Post your beautiful (and not so beautiful) tattoos! What inspired them? Where are they going? I have an FFVIII tattoo. This was the first game that inspired me and probably shaped my entire adult future and would explain why I'm such a massive emo kid these days. I think that tattoo is quite...
  7. Nomad Fomalhaut

    What are your operator mains in Rainbow Six Siege?

    Defense: Virgil, Lesion, and Mozzie. I love playing the information disruption game that's halfway between building entry and OBJ. These three allows me to protect myself from giving away my position or, in the case of lesion, give me warning if I'm being pushed. Offense: Hibana, Sledge...
  8. Nomad Fomalhaut

    Introduce yourself here!

    Hey gang, I'm Gareth from Nomad Games. We specialise in digital ports of board games and have put out such titles as Talisman and Mystic Vale. I play Siege. That's about it. I was (/am) a console scrub with 1300 hours in Siege but as I develop games for PC I also play Siege on PC so I can do...