Recent content by MauMM

  1. MauMM

    Cyberpunk 2077

    This must reeeaaally suck for the devs 😢 I don’t mind that much about the delays, I can wait, although this one I truly didn’t see coming. Regardless, my biggest gaming-related concern right now is getting a g****mned RTX 3080 because, otherwise, I won’t get to play Cyberpunk 2077 and any other...
  2. MauMM

    Question EXCITED FOR Assassin's Creed Valhalla

    Still not fully sold on the game but, admittedly, this looks a bit more interesting than I expected o_O
  3. MauMM

    Dragon age Inquisition

    I acknowledge and even share some of the complains people online have about the game, especially those about the excessive filler content, dissapointing main baddie (the one from the main storyline that is, the one from the last DLC instead became one of my favorite videogame antagonists)...
  4. MauMM

    Question Next Elder Scrolls game Wishlist??

    A better/improved engine. A more engaging and more personal storyline, without abandoning the traditional “big, looming threat” approach to the main quest. Better guild questlines. An optional hardcore difficulty, a la Fallout: New Vegas. Settingwise, I’d love to see any (or even a mix) of...
  5. MauMM

    What soundtrack fit into a game perfectly?

    Silent Hill’s, at least the first four games’s soundtracks. Not only they’re works of art on their own (I love Akira Yamaoka’s music) but, with their peculiar mix of dark electronica and trip-hop, they help enhance the games’ unsettling atmosphere quite a lot.
  6. MauMM

    Microsoft + Bethesda = Obsidian + Fallout ?

    I’m well aware that a their previous colaboration was kinda rocky but, still, since Fallout: New Vegas is one of my all-time favorite games I’d like to see them working together on a new F:NV-style of game, be it from the same IP or a different/new one. I’d love to see a F:NV remaster/remake out...
  7. MauMM

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Yep, they represent what's required for running the game at 1080p (and at 30fps I pressume) : Still, pretty good requirements. Awesome shots of the city in today's Wire by the way!
  8. MauMM

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Watch Night City Wire!

    I’m not a huge fan of the format these Night City Wires have but I still appreciate whatever new snippets of gameplay and worldbuilding they show and comment about. The gunplay might not end up being as superb as the best shooters out there but it still looks fun enough and the weapon design is...
  9. MauMM

    What gaming world would you live in, if it was real?

    Planescape does seem like a exciting set of places to experience as an adventurer... an immortal one, preferably. Too bad about the constant memory loss, though :unsure:
  10. MauMM

    What gaming world would you live in, if it was real?

    From a life-of-ingenuity-and-comfort standpoint I’d live in The Sims world. Living in a place where I can develop a huge amount of skills, have actual job security, have the potential to build the house of my dreams, easily form strong friendships and experience an almost constantly exciting...
  11. MauMM

    Cyberpunk 2077

    I wonder that too. From what I can tell so far, the game seems to use a simple noise- and line-of-sight-based stealth system but slightly more fleshed out than your average open world RPG (e.g. carry and conceal bodies if the player has the right stats, hack some environmental elements to cause...
  12. MauMM

    Horizon Zero Dawn Coming to PC in Summer 2020

    Consider me officially eager to play this game :cool:
  13. MauMM

    Cyberpunk 2077

    I didn’t like the format they used for the Wire, I expected more gameplay and less talking, although I did like the news about the anime. Thankfully some outlets released a more complete look at the gameplay: Despite some of the issues seen in this gameplay demo (like melee and driving) and...
  14. MauMM

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Some meaty content incoming at last. And it’s the first of many videos it seems :D
  15. MauMM

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Sad news but I sorta saw it coming. It’s OK though, it should give me more time to clear my backlog a tiny little bit, plus AMD and Nvidia should’ve released their new cards by then (hopefully, fingers crossed!)