Recent content by mandyfinkell

  1. mandyfinkell

    Gaming Monitor Inches

    I think yes you're right somewhere I think I should go with these brands
  2. mandyfinkell

    Introduce yourself here!

    Same profession but not affiliate marketer 🤝
  3. mandyfinkell

    Gaming Monitor Inches

    Well thankyou @DXCHASE for advising me but I've seen alot of problems in MSI monitor like black screen, no signals , Flickering, bad graphics in my past so this is my POV of MSI.
  4. mandyfinkell

    Gaming Monitor Inches

    Thankyou so much for replying my thread @Brian Boru and @Colif ...i got the answer and I think yes 23 inches is fine for me, but which brand's monitor should I buy?🙆‍♀️ Is there any advice before I buy it? Ps: Good brand ?🤠
  5. mandyfinkell

    Gaming Monitor Inches

    Hello Everyone, I am in Searching of Gaming Monitor and I thought that 23 inch monitor is perfectly good for gaming...what did you guys say on this, please suggest gamers. PS:- or if you have any another good option then prefer me as well 🤝
  6. mandyfinkell

    Introduce yourself here!

    Hi @gamerdon007 Good to see you here 😊
  7. mandyfinkell

    hey guys :(

    Hahahah And you? What about you are you in real here or what .... PS:- just curious 😂
  8. mandyfinkell

    hey guys :(

    And here i want to know , who is @Lutfij in real:P
  9. mandyfinkell

    Introduce yourself here!

    Hey community This is Aditi (Mandy) I love to play games like PUBG I found pc gamer through one of my friend And I am an Content Writer in real .. i love to communicate with random people Or in PC gamer I've love to communicate with you all 🤗
  10. mandyfinkell

    hey guys :(

    Hey, @Lutfij I am new here.. and i read you all comments or reaction, there's is humours which I like the most.. Will feel happy if you talk to me in general:)