Recent content by Boingo420x

  1. Boingo420x

    Who is the most destructive video game protagonist in your experience?

    I have several picks. First, my own: Anyone remember Prototype? Another is Raiden from Metal Gear Rising:Revengeance. All the protagonists in the Darksiders games. I agree with I Will Haunt You regarding the Red Faction game. I also agree with Krud: Shepard trashed 500K Batarians in ME2 and...
  2. Boingo420x

    F.E.A.R. Series

    I've been reading a lot about F.E.A.R. lately and decided to give it another go as it's my favorite horror game. So I re-installed it and it would get past the title screen and then...nothing. How are you guys getting this to work? My main rig is a few years old, but certainly no slouch. It has...
  3. Boingo420x

    Question What was the specs of your very first gaming PC?

    My first PC was a Dell that I bought in 2001. Dell didn't make gaming PCs at the time so I had to upgrade their standard offerings. It had a 1.9 GHz CPU, 80GB HDD, Nvidia 64MB GPU ($350!) 256MB RAM (RAMBUS so it would have cost me $1000 just to upgrade to 1GB!), and a Trinitron 20" CRT (heavy!)...
  4. Boingo420x

    Weekend question: Who is your favorite videogame detective?

    I was pondering how to answer this question as I'm not really into detective games until I read your post. Yes! Nick Valentine was totally cool and my favorite character in the game. If memory serves, I had him as a companion throughout most of the game. I started this game several times and...
  5. Boingo420x

    What was the first video game you remember playing?

    My first game, as I remember it, was Doom that I played on my friends' 386. I don't think it even had a dedicated graphics card until he upgraded to a Voodoo something or other (this was the mid 90s). Then he introduced me to the original Half-life and my addiction took off. I really owe that...