Recent content by Blind Dog

  1. Blind Dog

    Favorite Lines from Entertainment

    Dr. Sheldon Cooper: What computer do you have? And please don't say, "A white one."
  2. Blind Dog

    Places to purchase PC Games without Steam?

    I've got a fairly new PC, and just bought a cheapo ($20) ASUS usb disc drive, for old games.
  3. Blind Dog

    What's the last game you abandoned?

    Forza 5. Imo: very poor physics, adversarial dev./admin, and before they had it sorted--started nagging about upgrading to Forza 8? On the Sony site, while my rig appears rock solid, the game routinely crashes to desktop. Not worth the storage. Cars are gorgeous, but the racing is disappointing.
  4. Blind Dog

    2024 Show us your set up!

    Originally an AMD 3800X, and Red Devil RX 5700 XT, EVGA Platinum 850W, ancient Viewsonic 28" 1080 and a Thrustmaster 300T/Ferrari wheel. Had RGB, for the grand kids, but wasn't feeling it--noctau to the rescue. Couldn't get drivers for the gpu, so I went back to nVidia. Wanted to try direct...
  5. Blind Dog

    What older PC games still hold up well today?

    I'll always toss NASCAR2003 in the ring. With mods, its physics engine is legendary, and the graphics are quite good. Last I heard, IRacing, F1 teams, and others, still use modified versions of the physics engine. The game is free, and imo the most realistic feeling driving/racing sim. Talented...
  6. Blind Dog

    Have you ever taken time off work to play a video game?

    Nope. Never. 😇 (I saved 'sick' days for international hockey.)
  7. Blind Dog

    Your must need gaming accessory

    There's only one accessory I would be gutted without.
  8. Blind Dog

    Question Which is the Best Gaming Chair ?

    I went looking. Visions (Cdn. electronics store) had Anda Dark Knight on sale for $499 Cdn.. But they had none in stock. I could purchase the store managers (very) used chair, but that was the best they could do. Seriously? I went online, and just couldn't see paying a premium price to sit...
  9. Blind Dog

    Do you still buy discs?

    I would buy disc if it allowed you to play solo. Once you needed internet anyways ,,, ...Dirt 3 was the last physical disc for me.
  10. Blind Dog

    How many people still love the old games?

    If there's a sim racing physics engine better than 'NASCAR2003', I haven't found it. I have a newer gaming rig that's pretty much going to waste. N'03 FPS is fairly good. :eek: I really enjoyed 'Pole Position' at the arcade. (Forty years ago.) Mostly for the pure fun of using the many...
  11. Blind Dog

    Top 10 GPUs of Steam users. 40xx series making a huge splash...

    Thanks Zimbaly :), the Tele is a '94, and the acoustics are a Kronbauer (left), and a Gnome. Kramer makes a great axe. My main squeeze is a little om 'hog' Larrivée. I 'traded 'a set of Klipsch La Scala speakers (I paid $400 cdn. for) for the 4080 FE--took the sting out of handing over the...
  12. Blind Dog

    Top 10 GPUs of Steam users. 40xx series making a huge splash...

    View: 🚽❤️
  13. Blind Dog

    Introduce yourself here!

    Hi, I'm David, thanks for having me, --and I'm so old I remember when only 'the rich kids' had Pong. :sleep: