Recent content by apoth0r

  1. apoth0r

    Has an update made a game of yours unusable.

    Any updates related to Warhammer 40K : Darktide on Steam appear to be pretty weak. Crashing all the time, regardless of whether they update or not. Sometimes people just want to watch the world burn, how better than adding inherent bugs to a game someone may or may not still purchase. Who...
  2. apoth0r

    Enter To Win A Razer Prize Pack from Iceflake & Paradox!

    Bolt the doors and severely protect the internet line coming into the building. Fill the house with supplies in terms of snacks. Pop the computer on and wait for all of it to blow over? Would definitely have time to blog and follow some other pursuits, why not grow during an Apocalypse? :)
  3. apoth0r

    Question Mid-Week Question: What's your favorite game world?

    Half-Life was pretty epic upon release - Has definitely been superseded several times, but originally, so absorbing
  4. apoth0r

    Question Performance issues (fps drops)

    Try moving the game to your SSD firstly - might make a slight difference - although not curing the problem you are facing. Secondly, Have you updated your drivers recently for your card? Lastly, when tinkering with your voltage etc, have you accidentally turned off any XMP settings that may...
  5. apoth0r

    Question What gpu can my i5-4430 handle?

    Hi, So in terms of bottlenecking - let's forget that word for a moment, because if you are serious about purchasing a GPU to improve your system, then you're not going to throw it out when you decide the next thing to upgrade is your motherboard and CPU - in that scenario guess what happens...
  6. apoth0r

    I'm trying to make a dual monitor setup

    You can buy a HDMI to DVI-d cable if there are limitations on ports by the way :) Couple of adapters to help the scenario - doesn't mean it will deliver the performance - adapters always lower performance as much as they help you achieve one goal :)
  7. apoth0r

    Need help diagnosing issues with micro stutters, very unstable frames, having to resort to lowest setttings possible to play games.

    Basically lots of things to try and understand but you have to start somewhere....check the temps first If not temps then you need to verify some other metrics such as power usage etc - Afterburner gives you these metrics if you have a supported card Ram configuration doesn't look or feel right...
  8. apoth0r

    High refresh gaming - believe the hype!

    I just went from an EG 144Hz monitor to a Asus TUF 27" 165Hz monitor (With Gsync) and the difference between those two is incredible. 144Hz isn't the same between two monitors so make sure you shop around. If you rock a 2080TI or similar, invest in the monitor too, going cheap on 144Hz isn't the...
  9. apoth0r

    Working from home? Show us your setup!

    Thank you, new here so appreciate the pointers :)
  10. apoth0r

    Working from home? Show us your setup!

    apoth0r Setup - 1 apoth0r Setup - 2 Can't seem to get this working in preview - just posting to test :)
  11. apoth0r

    Introduce yourself here!

    Hello, I'm apoth0r, a gamer, streamer, content creator and general gaming and technology enthusiast. I work as a technology professional, in the business world, by day. At night I run my website, streams, content and enjoy discussing gaming technology, recent releases and the games i enjoy the...
  12. apoth0r

    What is your opinion about this pc setup?

    Is this already in play or are you asking if it'll be good for those games? Looks good, like the case choice in particular. I would say it would run most of those well, what resolution target do you have? 144hz monitor?