Frag Maniac
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Viewing thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub

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    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
      I'm not saying the chaos would be long term, and I get why people don't want it. I'd just rather have things like TV programs etc sync...
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
      Yes Sunday night before going to bed would be best!
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
      I watched an interesting documentary once on the evolution of time pieces. When more accurate watches and clocks were invented it made...
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
      I think you've officially scared the daylights out all the poor souls who suffer arachnophobia. Now they also have to worry about ones...
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
      Sounds pretty cool. I was just talking with some friends today about how delicate 3D printed figurines are, like the one of my 8" tall...
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
      Yeah, you definitely need space and a fairly elaborate track for the stunt stuff. I like the crawling too, and it reminds me at times of...
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
      Thankfully the only routines I have to worry about breaking anymore are my own personal ones, as I'm retired. Still though, as I'm...
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
      Just saw one of these on a car in front of me today while waiting in line to go through the tunnel wash. It cracked me up, Mandalorian...
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
      That's kind of an uneasy question for me right now, as I just finished watching the movie Heretic. I'll just say the "pie" is a lie. :oops:
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
      I've never had COVID, but the last chest cold I had made me wonder. It came with the worst cough I've ever had and I now know what it...
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Demos—post game demos here.
      We have a district here on the east side called Factoria, and instead of impressing with technology, it's just a traffic jam every time...
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Demos—post game demos here.
      Is this similar to Skyrim style, or is it yet another one of those games that goes semi isometric during battles and places circles...
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac reacted to Pifanjr's post in the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub with Like Like.
      I think they're just trying to get the minimum number of posts to start posting links. Or they're trying to gain some legitimacy before...
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
      Yes, I recall when there were tons of spam bot posts, but it's been very clean lately. So I agree, it was more likely new member posts...
    • Frag Maniac
      Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
      I would seriously advise prioritizing speed on everything from CPU, to drives, to internet before picking out those other items. This is...
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