YT channels and random interests.

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Apr 14, 2024
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I continually find new channels to explore like Yes Theory or Veritasium, which are both interesting even educational in the case of the later.

Have you guys seen these random compilations where 'Parents smash childrens electronics'. They're interesting as it shows how gadgets and gaming are the main generational trigger for many parents. I imagine that these parents don't do gaming and don't get it.

But to see these parents physically smashing PS4's or whatever, that they probably paid for. Also the youngsters reaction. Losing their systems is like the loss of a friend to them.

I'd have thought youngsters got into less real trouble by gaming. Also if the child was say obsessed with a board game like Go or chess, would the parents react the same way. Or is anti-gaming hype playing into this.

The guy behind Veritasium used to be a science teacher and now he uses media to make it interesting. Like this one expaining that electricity doesn't flow through those overhead cables.
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Nowadays have interest in sci fi.


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