The last game you completed

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Chalk up another quick game finished. This time its Costume quest by double fine. A JRPG game where players pick between brother/sister duo reynold/wren to save the other and halloween from candy stealing monsters. Our heroes have to find, build and use their costumes to overcome the various environmental obstacles and use their abilities to win in battle.

Honestly its a pretty light weight experience and its pretty easy. Combat is rinse and repeat/repetitive (as expected of JRPGS) and whilst it isn't terrible its not exactly indepth/compelling. Think of it more like my first jrpg. To its credit the story and characters are charming/creative but doesn't hide the somewhat lightweight experience.

if you got it on epic it was free. But i got it for like less then 3 quid and it was ok i guess. Got 7.5 hours out of it. Certainly will play costume quest 2 down the line but its a 6/10 for me. Ok and likable, but nothing special that makes it essential for jrpg fans let alone non fans.
Another game finished, this time its Carrion.

Take control of a fleshy tentacle monster and run amok in the relith science facility devouring humans and growing stronger to ultimately escape. An interesting twist on the horror game playing as the monster, mixing both stealth and aggression to progress through the rooms. Admittedly, its quite easy as eventually you'll eventually have your own strategies dealing with the increasing number of guards and battle bots but its undeniably fun. Visually its well animated and captures that horror vibe wonderfully and its a gory treat.

Would i recommend it? its a bit short and a bit easy. I completed everything (achievements and all) in 6.3 hours. But its damn fun and worth a punt when on sale.
Another doom Wad finished. This time its Doom Returns (v3.0) a megawad split into 3 episodes. its a sort of continuation of Doom 2 where doom guy has to travel back to mars and hell itself to seal the portal.

Lets face it, there wasn't going to be any wads that was going to beat Evilternity 2 in my play list, but Doom returns left a sour taste in my mouth. The main gripe for me is that for every good idea and level design, there is something that upset/offended me design wise. Pretty much all the gripes can be summed up with deployment of hitscan enemies.

On the one hand, Doom returns had some really good design and ideas. it implemented advanced features, graphics and strong level design capturing the environments nicely. but interspersed in some of these areas are just some absolutely horrible ideas. how about facing a spider mastermind with no cover? How about chaingunners snipping you across a map? how do you like pistol starting a map against 20+ enemies? near the end the archvile ambush of BS or the penultimate fight where you face off against Uber mastermind/cyberdemons + the monsters but not have the ammo do it?
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Well that was quick. i had hoped that Cats hidden in a jingle jam would take me more then 10 minutes to complete, but i suppose there is only so many spots for 100 cats to be hidden in a picture. I like the artwork and the odd animations here and there, but i guess hidden object games are not my thing. Oh well.

i suspect the next game won't take me long to beat either...
Cats hidden in a jingle jam would take me more then 10 minutes


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So i completed the empty Shell prologue - a demo of sorts to the full game Empty shell. players get to play the first 2 sections of the game. played it normal and was suitably entertained. Amazingly, for a roguelike i was able to beat it on my first go. The giant hand at the end of the first map nearly got me, but otherwise wasn't too tough.

The thing that stands out is probably the atomsphere it really does capture the horror vibe and the story is pretty interesting as well with plenty of picks up and audio logs etc to pick up. Plus command line operated pcs. A Classified facility on some japanese island goes dark in the 1950s. An investigation team is initially sent but when they lose contact with them too, the authorities decide to abandon the facility and deny its existance. But in 1980s the authorities detect activity and another investigation team is sent. This time, with expendable assets - generally the downtrodden of society/homeless aka empty shells to do the task of investigating and resolving the mess.

Gameplay wise it plays like teleglitch the low poly graphics is because you're using 80s technology and visual quality those days aren't great. It plays well enough, but it could be improved. Inventory management is a bit of a pain i can't switch between multiple weapons unless i pause the game. It could use with some quick keys so i can use medication on the go, switch between multiple weapons or use a variety of gadgets and abilties on the fly instead of just one...

Second issue is that being top down view i can't see enemies hidden within a forest or covered in the ceiling it makes for a cheap tactic. So far, most of the monsters have been kind enough to just shamble forward into my guns. Speaking of enemies, there's very little definition to them, the bigger monsters and those that resemble bugs are easy enough, but the smaller human ones ae less identifiable until they start attacking.

So will i get the game? I might if the price is right, no rush tbh. i hear there is a sequel/spin off game (empty shell: in the loop) coming out.
Another game finished. This time its Guns, Gore and cannoli 2 a side scrolling shooter set in the 40s continuing on from the previous game this time involving the nazis and more zombies. A cracking little game thats slick and feels like it plays better then the previous game. Admittedly, i only played it on normal and was able to beat it just shy of 3 hours (2 days of play) but since there was no achievement requirements for difficulty, i played it on normal and then went back to easy to finish off the achievements.

Would i recommend a play, i guess so, it isn't the longest game but it was jolly entertaining all the same. get on sale ideally you can normally get it less then 3 quid these days.

9 games down since beating assassins creed odyssey. Now, what indie game to play next?
I recently completed Cultist Simulator, although I've been playing it exclusively on my phone. However, I struggle with completing games; the last one I recall finishing, aside from Cultist Simulator, was the original Dishonored, which I didn't complete until 2018 or 2019.

When you say you've completed it, do you mean you completed all scenarios/endings? I've only ever gotten to the boring endings, I couldn't (bother to) keep up with all of the timers the game throws at you.
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May 27, 2024
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Alan Wake 2. I got all the achievements, not to brag, but I'm bragging. :3 The game was amazing, and I had zero expectations for it. I never played the first game, never watched any trailers or gameplay of AW2; I just bought it and fell head over heels for it. The gameplay, the characters, the story, it was all so amazing. It's a shame that it didn't meet the publishers sales expectations, and even more of a shame that we couldn't buy a physical copy. :(


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Alan Wake 2. I got all the achievements, not to brag, but I'm bragging. :3 The game was amazing, and I had zero expectations for it. I never played the first game, never watched any trailers or gameplay of AW2; I just bought it and fell head over heels for it. The gameplay, the characters, the story, it was all so amazing. It's a shame that it didn't meet the publishers sales expectations, and even more of a shame that we couldn't buy a physical copy. :(
Epic releases are fairly consistent in their lower sale numbers unfortunately.
Alan Wake 2. I got all the achievements, not to brag, but I'm bragging. :3 The game was amazing, and I had zero expectations for it. I never played the first game, never watched any trailers or gameplay of AW2; I just bought it and fell head over heels for it. The gameplay, the characters, the story, it was all so amazing. It's a shame that it didn't meet the publishers sales expectations, and even more of a shame that we couldn't buy a physical copy. :(
I think Remedy werent unhappy with the sales so far, at least from what theyve said, cant speak to Epic. According to the web Control has sold 4 million since 2019 and Alan Wake 2 has sold more than Control had at this point already.

I have a feeling that if you make a really good game that fans and critics both like then it will keep selling steadily for many years to come as new people come to it. I think thats what Remedy are hoping to see happen as well.


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I think Remedy werent unhappy with the sales so far, at least from what theyve said, cant speak to Epic. According to the web Control has sold 4 million since 2019 and Alan Wake 2 has sold more than Control had at this point already.

I have a feeling that if you make a really good game that fans and critics both like then it will keep selling steadily for many years to come as new people come to it. I think thats what Remedy are hoping to see happen as well.
This is the last thing I'll say on the topic since we're going off the rails from the thread's discussion, but when you have a single player game as an exclusive, people don't mind waiting until the game is released on the platform of their choosing because there's no urgency to play a game that you're not going to be playing with anyone but yourself.

If / when the game is released on steam I'm sure the numbers will jump up substantially... I know I'm in no rush to buy.
This is the last thing I'll say on the topic since we're going off the rails from the thread's discussion, but when you have a single player game as an exclusive, people don't mind waiting until the game is released on the platform of their choosing because there's no urgency to play a game that you're not going to be playing with anyone but yourself.

If / when the game is released on steam I'm sure the numbers will jump up substantially... I know I'm in no rush to buy.
Youre right about Steam sales, but with as I understand it Epic in control of where the game is on sale this time I dont think it will happen until Sweeney admits defeat to Valve. So maybe never unfortunately.

Youre also right we're OT :)
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