Finished TV series—who watches?

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I'm re-watching Shogun. I find it funny that this "mini-series" has a total run time of just over 9 hours. It's just 10 minutes shorter than the first season of Game of Thrones and four hours longer than the first season of Loki. By comparison, a season of M*A*S*H would have been more like 10 hours, and those episodes were for half hour time slots.
Apr 14, 2024
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I can't recall the last time I watched a fiction series live, ie one episode per week—roughly 8-10 years ago I suppose. We now watch mostly shows which have finished, or have a few seasons done and seem promising.

Mainstay are Brit cop & mystery shows. If you like US cop shows, then you may want to avoid—there are very few shootouts, car chases or explosions. Low-key slow-paced typically, more focused on the characters than the action.

Funnily enough, currently watching a short French cop show which I'll briefly cover when done—only 16 episodes.

Do you have a similar habit?
I just finished watching ‘Stranger Things’, and I highly recommend it! The blend of '80s nostalgia, supernatural elements, and compelling characters kept me hooked.
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Who Is Erin Carter? 2023, 7x48m
Evin Ahmad
Sean Teale
Douglas Henshall
Pretty good fast-paced thriller set in Barcelona—just suspend some belief and enjoy.
Douglas is only actor I know from elsewhere—lead in the excellent Shetland—but the cast is okay. Evin is very good and credible in her lead role.

Finished watching this 3 or 4 days ago. More or less agree with your comments. I did find episode 4 a bit strange - not in that what was in it, but they seem to want to tell you everything about Erin's past all at once rather than drip feeding it.

A strong theme of what would you do for your family if you thought it was threaten. A similar theme to the film "The Mother" which is also on Netflix.

Probably worth watching again in 3 or 4 years time.
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"Rebel Moon - Part 1"

I think that I agree with DXCHASE in that the pacing was a bit off - perhaps too fast. Also I never got to the bit were you care about what happens to the "good guys". Has a touch of "The Magnificent Seven" about it. I will probably watch Part 2 but at the moment it's a one-watch wonder.

5 or 6 out of 10.
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its been a while since i updated my list of things to watch. been mostly watching reality show tv like the uk apprentice, documentaries and the like rather then any actual shows. but that said i did finally get round to watching season 4 of What we do in the shadows.

For those not in the know the series is a spin off of the movie what we do in the shadows. A mockumentary following a group of vampires in Stanton island and their day to day struggles. In Series 4 the entire gang return to their home only to find it in much disrepair and it leads to nadja deciding to set up a new vampire club like in the movie blade. Complete with blood sprinklers. The series pivots between the new bar, nandor's attempts at getting a bride (which involves a genie) and taking care of the child spawn of colin robinson.

Like the previous last seasons, its a cracker as its immensely funny as they try to manage awkward situations and try to survive in a modern human world. Well worth a watch with outstanding performance all around.
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Death in Paradise 2011, 100+ x 1h
Elizabeth Bourgine
Don Warrington
Danny John-Jules
This may be my fav feel-good relaxing show, which is still in production. 4 cops to mind a small Caribbean island, one of them an out-of-place Englishman who runs it under the watchful eye of Don, the Commissioner.

The mysteries are almost always good, and there's a Poirot-like final exposition scene to wrap up each episode. But the driver is the humor and camaraderie within the group, plus the Caribbean vibe running thru it all.


Beyond Paradise 2023, 12 x 58m
Kris Marshall
Zahra Ahmadi
Sally Bretton
Spinoff of DiP featuring Kris reprising his DiP role as Detective Inspector, but this time in Devon [SW England]. Same as DiP but a bit less sunshine and joie de vivre. 2 short seasons so far.

Kris is great, he was probably my fav Inspector in DiP—still the same goofy quirks. Zahra and Sally are his Sergeant and fiancée, and fit in well—seems to be good chemistry all round.

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So i have been watching The Dropout (2022) an 8 part tv series telling the life of elizabeth holmes and the running of Theranos from the beginnings of Elizabeth when she drops out of university to the point where it all comes crashing down. throughout the series we see how ambition to succeed drove elizabeth to lie and do increasingly unscrupulous decisions to maintain the deception. its a good tense drama as we see the stakes/lies increasing get stacked and soon you start rooting for the journalists and the few individuals who didn't sell out try to stop her.

Top performances all around, i would say its worth a watch, but how much is real/truth is hard to say. yes there is one episode that plays slightly like a comedy when wallgreens bends over backwards trying to court Theranos but honestly i didn't mind it.

That's a strong cast!

Amanda Seyfried
Anne Archer
Mary Lynn Rajskub—Chloe was my fav 24 character after Jack.
Naveen Andrews—my fav Lost character.
Sam Waterston—my fav Law & order character.
Stephen Fry
William H. Macy

IMDb Seen: Amanda Seyfried

Hmm, is that a new feature, a list of all roles—filterable—with those you've rated shown? Didn't notice it before.
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Death in Paradise 2011, 100+ x 1h
Elizabeth Bourgine
Don Warrington
Danny John-Jules
This may be my fav feel-good relaxing show, which is still in production. 4 cops to mind a small Caribbean island, one of them an out-of-place Englishman who runs it under the watchful eye of Don, the Commissioner.

The mysteries are almost always good, and there's a Poirot-like final exposition scene to wrap up each episode. But the driver is the humor and camaraderie within the group, plus the Caribbean vibe running thru it all.


Beyond Paradise 2023, 12 x 58m
Kris Marshall
Zahra Ahmadi
Sally Bretton
Spinoff of DiP featuring Kris reprising his DiP role as Detective Inspector, but this time in Devon [SW England]. Same as DiP but a bit less sunshine and joie de vivre. 2 short seasons so far.

Kris is great, he was probably my fav Inspector in DiP—still the same goofy quirks. Zahra and Sally are his Sergeant and fiancée, and fit in well—seems to be good chemistry all round.


yeah death in paradise and beyond paradise are guilty pleasure as well. Yes, Kris marshall as DI Humphrey Goodman was the best DI of the series and unsurprisingly he got his own show in Beyond paradise. I had hoped the cross over was more substantial. maybe one day...
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Finished watching another drama, this time its Dopesick (2021) a drama inspired by real events of the opiod addiction crisis experienced in the US.

Purdue Pharma introduces a new painkiller narcotic with the USP being that it provides long lasting and (more importantly) is not addictive so people cannot get addicted to it. With that USP and medical science to back it up, Purdue Pharma sales reps begin aggressively selling the new drug as the new painkiller to use from anything from a headache to treat serious pain. The only problem? neither point is true; the painkiller doesn't last 24 hours and people CAN get addicted to it AND get a high off it.

The story spread across nearly a decade telling the story from various perspectives. From those selling the drugs (purdue pharma), to those trying to ban the drug and those who are affected by the addiction of the new drug.

A pretty compelling drama, as we sell the story from all angles and the ending is some what bittersweet as yes, the drug (oxycontin) is removed and purdue pharma loses a lots of money (leading to bankruptcy) and become pariahs. But none of those responsible are punished and never see a jail cell. They get to rid off into the sunset with their personal wealth.
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May 13, 2024
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So i have been watching The Dropout (2022) an 8 part tv series telling the life of elizabeth holmes and the running of Theranos from the beginnings of Elizabeth when she drops out of university to the point where it all comes crashing down. throughout the series we see how ambition to succeed drove elizabeth to lie and do increasingly unscrupulous decisions to maintain the deception. its a good tense drama as we see the stakes/lies increasing get stacked and soon you start rooting for the journalists and the few individuals who didn't sell out try to stop her.

Top performances all around, i would say its worth a watch, but how much is real/truth is hard to say. yes there is one episode that plays slightly like a comedy when wallgreens bends over backwards trying to court Theranos but honestly i didn't mind it.

Wife and I are between shows and looking for something to watch. This one definitely is up our alley. Thanks for the tip! :cool:
So i've just finished the second season of Tokyo vice

Story takes place in 1999s japan a western journalist, jake Adelstein, working for a Japanese newspaper having gotten hired from his natural talents his career/job at the newspaper is nothing short of a trial by fire. Racisim, Cultural differences , his naviety, rookie status and lack of contacts ensures already got one foot out the door. it all changes when he pursues a story from a series of suicides involving debt and insurance fraud run by the Yakuza.

Its not long till Jake is knee deep in the criminal underworld and the more he investigates, the more he begins dealing with the yakuza doing favours and soon gaining the attention of several members. Including the ruthless and ambitious Tozawa

Season 2 continues on from season 1, Jake is sent a video incriminating a high ranking political figure accidentally murdering an escort on a boat. its soon discovered that the boat belongs to none other then to Tozawa's mistress and Jake incensed by the injustice/murder works to blow the story wide open to bring tozawa and those in his pocket down. Unfortunately for Jake, the yakuza and political world have a strong influence in all areas including in the media (who play politics and turn blindeye to these things) and things don't work out and his chance slips. meanwhile a fully rejuvenated Tozawa returns back to japan and has big plans within the yakuza and japan itself. jake and his colleagues and few contacts tread carefully working together to stop tozawa before its too late.

Overall pretty good series, great performances and a top cast do their best to make it a pretty compelling series to watch.

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May 13, 2024
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The wife and I mini-binged the last 5 episodes of Young Sheldon last night.
It was great to see
a couple of the Big Bang Theory cast members return for the finale, which was a tear-jerker but a heartfelt and bittersweet ending, even knowing what was to come ahead of time. <sniffle>

Now we're looking to watch a new series. Although we'll probably start our annual Chuck re-watch which we try to do every summer (and on blu-ray, nonetheless ;) ).
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