Your most valuable game possession


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Either within a game or maybe a statue, card, or something else you own. Value is in the eye of the beholder, so It could basically be anything, even a house full of sweet rolls from Skyrim.

My own precious is my Star Citizen backer dog tag. I backed to game not long after the site opened and it has a lot of nostalgia within it. My second most valuable possession is my Darth Malgus SWTOR statue. I really liked the game and I also gave away the statue to my youngest nephew, as I wanted him to have something cool on his desk:)
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Jan 14, 2020
In general I don't really care for gaming memorabilia, apparel or merchandise. That said, I am quite fond of my small collection of Soulsborne related books and products. I made a little shrine, as it were. I own a few hardcover strategy guides, the Dark Souls Design Works book, artbooks, a Solaire of Astora amiibo and plenty of other things. I keep some of it on a shelf in our shared office to give my side of the room a personal touch.

Aside from that, I have a few Star Wars artworks on my wall that I really love. They're mass produced and worthless, but rarity doesn't factor into this particular equation.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
I'm not really a completionist, but my getting all the achievements in Hotline Miami and Into the Breach awards on my Steam profile are nice to see when I'm there.

In-game, the thing I'm probably most attached to is my ship in No Man's Sky. I swapped out the starting craft probably within the first 10 hours of gameplay and but now I'm over 100 hours and haven't parted with it, even if I've added other support craft for system jumping. I'll attach some photos.


Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
I always valued the posters that came with physical games. I had an Oblivion map for a looong time before it finally got too damaged to keep up.

I still have a GTA4 poster lying arround from the PS3 version, and I'm thinking of looking through my other PS3 games to see if I have more posters arround.

They're not exactly valuable, but I greatly appreciate them.

Also, I have an aliexpress poster from Tomb Raider which isn't for sale anymore, it's one of the female posters I think is really awesome without it being overly sexual

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
@Frindis this is how it looks like. It's not really solid, but with proper placing it it looks pretty straight. The color from the wall kinda shines through it, but the colors come out good enough. Room is fairly dark atm so the picture may seem darker than it actually is.

I also have a Witcher 3 poster the same way, but they paint was thicker (and a bit stickier) so the colors are more bright.


Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
I jus tlooked at my Witcher poster lol. I feel like the heat made the paint go through the silk and it colored my (white) wall :(

Well I guess I'll need a bit of white paint when I leave here so I can paint it back :p I think it's paint there and not rot lol (the wall now is blue while there's a white stain on my poster).
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Way back, in the long long ago time, when games were just starting to get common on those IBM clones, I played Air Warrior on the GEnie network. There were actually a few conventions and I went to one in Washington DC - had a ball! It was really fun to go to the Smithsonian airplane museum with people that knew so much about them. At the end, we all got some WW2 plane art with everyone's signatures. Definitely my most valued game-related possession!
Jan 13, 2020
Hmmm, I love my map of the Wing Commander Universe that came with Wing Commander Prophecy years ago. This map is like 23+ years old, and it still graces my computer room wall.

Also got Total Annihilation and Tomb Raider II both in their original boxes and completely sealed, so I guess that's something.
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May 29, 2020
Either within a game or maybe a statue, card, or something else you own. Value is in the eye of the beholder, so It could basically be anything, even a house full of sweet rolls from Skyrim.

My own precious is my Star Citizen backer dog tag. I backed to game not long after the site opened and it has a lot of nostalgia within it. My second most valuable possession is my Darth Malgus SWTOR statue. I really liked the game and I also gave away the statue to my youngest nephew, as I wanted him to have something cool on his desk

nostalgic for a game that hasn't been released yet?

mine would be my boxed 9600XT, that card truely brought me into the 3D era.
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I have a book of concept art from one of the Assassin's Creed games. I think I have something similar for Mass Effect 3 as well. However, I haven't given them a second look after I unboxed the games.

I have always liked my Skyrim and Sacred Gold maps that came with the games, but I'm not sure where they are. I also had this poster hanging at the foot of my bed for years (despite never having played the game):

It ripped when I tried to take it down, so I threw it away.

So I don't really have anything. Perhaps in a few years when we move into a bigger house I'll get some stuff to decorate our gaming station/room (our current set-up is just on the dinner table).

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
I don't really buy collector's editions etc. so my "treasury" isn't impressive by any means. Some paper/cloth maps (Morrowind, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale), bunch of nice looking old school cardboard boxes, these old 200+page manuals filled with lore - nothing unusual or particularly precious.
The only exception could probably be a gas mask I got with Metro: Last Light - who knows, maybe it will be useful in these apocalyptic times :p
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Community Contributor
My most valuable in game item used to be the ship I designed in World's Adrift. I'm not artistic and am usually embarrassed by my designs in Minecraft and other building games. But this ship? Somehow I accidentally created a masterpiece. I used to be so proud when random players would come running to the ship full of compliments. When I found out the game was closing, I logged in with the intention of taking some screenshots, but they had completely reset the game. My ship and custom blueprints were forever just a memory.
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Jan 14, 2020
I guess this isn't 'most valuable' so much as 'value-oriented', but budget retailer chain Action is currently selling Starlink starter packs and ship packs on the cheap. And I mean CHEAP. I picked up both the Switch and PS4 starter packs for €8 each and two additional ship packs for €3 each.


I'm not THAT interested in the games, but at these prices the bundles are worth it for the ship figurines alone. They're going to look great once I prop them up on a shelf. I love having a model of the Arwing to put on display, as I love the Star Fox series (in case that wasn't obvious). Playing the Switch-exclusive Star Fox mini-campaign is going to be fun too, I'm sure.

There's a few more ships to collect so I'm going to be hunting for bargains over the next few days in an effort to complete the set.
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Mar 9, 2020
For personal reasons I think it's my Halo 2 beanie that a friend gave me ages ago. He worked in the electronics department at Walmart and even though I couldn't afford the game at that time he snagged one for me. Thanks Chewy!

I still have a physical copy of Battle For Middle-Earth 2 kicking around SOMEWHERE. I wish I could find it. You cannot buy it online anywhere that I'm aware of because EA's licenes to the series expired back in 2010 and they took the servers offline. Which is shame because it was an amazing RTS, especially in a lan party setting. I still fondly remember the first time I built my first unit, and about 25 guys all popped out of the barracks at once and created a formation, ready to be sent charging into battle.

The game had a great sense of scale, and a "unit" consisting of an entire squad of fighters meant battles escalated into massive formations that crashed against one another. Then amidst all the chaos Tom Bombadil would skip/yodel his way into the frey and start leveling entire squads like Sauron did at the start of the first movie.
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For personal reasons I think it's my Halo 2 beanie that a friend gave me ages ago. He worked in the electronics department at Walmart and even though I couldn't afford the game at that time he snagged one for me. Thanks Chewy!

I still have a physical copy of Battle For Middle-Earth 2 kicking around SOMEWHERE. I wish I could find it. You cannot buy it online anywhere that I'm aware of because EA's licenes to the series expired back in 2010 and they took the servers offline. Which is shame because it was an amazing RTS, especially in a lan party setting. I still fondly remember the first time I built my first unit, and about 25 guys all popped out of the barracks at once and created a formation, ready to be sent charging into battle.

The game had a great sense of scale, and a "unit" consisting of an entire squad of fighters meant battles escalated into massive formations that crashed against one another. Then amidst all the chaos Tom Bombadil would skip/yodel his way into the frey and start leveling entire squads like Sauron did at the start of the first movie.

LotR: BFME 2 is still an amazing game. It can be found on abandonware sites and apparently there is a fan server you can use to play online.

My friends recently mentioned they have been playing it again. If I can find the time I'm hoping to join them sometime soon.
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When it comes to my most valuable stuff i suppose it could be some of the following:

1. i got Duke nukem forever the collectors edition. All that tat felt cool at the time. Then i realized DNF was a bag of turds and its now a black cloud that hangs over my game collection. Its currently buried deep in the back of my real game pile never to see the light of day.

2. Splinter cell conviction collectors edition. Came with a model of sam fischer and gun and bag. Never took it out of the box as it was too nice to gather dust and thats when it hit me, most of this tat i don't need.

3. A collection of GBA\DS games that never made it to europe. I'm talking about the super rare Atlus ones that one went to the US and us Brits never saw it. i had to pay nearly the RRP to win them. I was that committed. But the real jewel in that crown? Knights in the Nightmare complete with OST. Of course fate has a horrible sense of humor. If i waited a day or 2 i could have got the illustration book as well.... No loss, i managed to find it as a PDF somewhere. A close second was radiant historia. i never got the first print so when i got word that there was a second print i went hunting on ebay and commited full price for that game.

Other atlus games also:

Devil survivor 1 and 2 (NOTE: they did come out on 3ds but i got them for the DS. Might play them again on the 3ds if time permittng)

Shin megami tensei strangers journey. A dungeon craweller. Didn't beat it sadly. Far too difficult.

9 hours, 9 persons, 9 doors - still shrink wrapped. Never got round to playing it.

Non Atlus games:

The world ends with you
Chrono trigger
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Jan 15, 2020
Probably my Elder Scrolls lore collection

I've got The Hero's Guide to the Elder Scrolls Online, which only 10,000 exist. I also really treasure my copy of the Skyrim soundtrack signed by the composer (Jeremy Soule)

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