Your Best Frag

Jun 26, 2020
This one definitely isn't my best, but it's one I'm proud of from Sea of Thieves. Hopefully you get better playback on it than I'm getting

I'll have to dig around when I get home, I'm sure I have some pretty good frags recorded. Although nothing too recent, old age is definitely starting to impact my reflexes so I don't record much anymore.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Not frags but I guess these count? Distruptor drops vs terrans, one treacherous widow mine and one zerg move commanding his army into storm. Sorry for quality/Twitter, don't have these clips anymore

Yes it's all StarCraft 2. The only ones I kinda cared to ever record. Never made screens or clips of me dominating other games, as they always were "inferior" to 1vs1 in my mind. Maybe somebody will enjoy ^^'




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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
XCOM 2, Long War mod. I managed to get a whole bunch of nice rolls in a row! Even better: I had saved just before taking the shot so I was able to re-load afterward, take the same shot, and record the results!
(You can also hear Duke Nuke'm, Arnold S. in (I think) Total Recall, and possibly one of the boss voice tracks from Saints Row 3.)
This is annihilation and I found pleasure watching this x]
I think one of the most proudest frags was in modern warfare 2. Someone was using an Aimbot and i landed the only kill on him. So there was no nuke. We still lost the match but that was still quite some achievement as there was a lot of luck involved.

beyond that, nothing really. Maybe a double kill here and there, maybe destroying a harasser or sunderer full of people in planetside 2 or maybe landing a countersnipe from a super long distance
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My most memorable frag was probably in CSGO on Assault. I pretty much killed the terrorist side myself and got the last guy as he was chasing me (I had the hostages). Unfortunately I wasn't recording gameplay but it was super satisfying. I wish I could play it back.

Edit: Johnway talking about MW2 reminded me of another.

There was a game where a group came in on matchmaking bragging that they were going to own us and put the footage on YouTube. They put a man on each corner of their spawn and camped. We managed to pick a couple off which messed up their camping strategy and they all rage quit.
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Technically not a frag, but my favorite grenade moments are definitely from plasma grenades in the original Halo trilogy. Getting incredible sticks was extremely satisfying. I remember tossing plasma grenades in to grav lifts to launch them, hurling them across the map for miracle sticks, etc. I don't know that I have any specific instances that I can recall, but my love for plasma grenades persists in the modern PC reboots.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@McStabStabAnd you even saved that poor guy while matrixing lot of bombs!:)

I recently got the golden skin for my Crossbow in Warzone and my best crossbow kill with a distance of 200 meters. I'm going to try and upload a clip or two in the future when I remember to save the bloody capture thingy from Geforce Experience. So far Crossbow is my favorite weapon and each kill just feels so awesome:)
Mar 9, 2020
I used to be in a multi military shooter clan when I played COD2. One day I got asked if I could sub for someone in a MOH:AA scrim. I was one of the better COD2 players so I guess they figured I'd do all right? I only played AA a little bit and it ended up being a bizarre sniper only search and destroy format.

In AA, you mostly just lean to expose the least amount of yourself around a corner and take a shot then lean opposite and strafe away (In a sniper match anyways). Well, during one round I was holding a tight angle on a short hallway. My teammates were calling out a couple enemies on the otherside of the map but they asked me to hold my angle for a bit longer since no one had died for either team yet.

I heald for a solid 20 seconds before getting ansy. I randomly popped off a shot and an enemy corpse came backflipping from around the corner (. I never saw him until he was already dead. I typed "!" in chat at the same time that he typed "Hmmm".

I think it's the only kill I got the whole match. lol
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