Why aren't 1st person co-op dungeon crawlers a thing?

Sep 13, 2020
Does this game exist?

Ever since I played Skyrim for the first time I've longed for a co-op experience of a full party of specialized class roles (fighter/MU/thief/healer) in a first person fantasy based dungeon crawler. Up til now most dungeon crawlers are the tile/turn based solo endevours (M&M, EotB, Grimrock, etc), but any realtime party based romps are surprisingly rare.

Thus far the only three games I've found with a 1st person view option and co-op options are:


Lots of classes, fairly in-depth game engine. 3D engine is entirely voxel based.

View: https://youtu.be/tXke3mvEZVM

This game could have shaped up to be exactly what I was looking for, but unfortunately fell into developer creep and died on the vine.


Perfectly captures the combat engine. Basically L4D but with a Warhammer skin.

I'm looking for a dungeon crawler with these types of features:

CO-OP - Swap different characters in/out, personal loot, trading, shared exp, etc.
Classic D&D aesthetic, endless dungeons, random encounters, inns,
Several varied class options (fighter, caster, healer, support, stealth, ranged, etc).
Diablo/Looter-shooter game loop (Kill mobs, get loot/quests/bounties, etc).

My pick-3 gameplay elements would be:

WoW class/race/spec/mog variability
Diablo/Borderlands/Destiny ARPG/loot mill mechanic
Overwatch FPS engine

Blizzard was actually working on something like this:

Are there any 1st person co-op dungeon crawlers out there? If not, why not? This is an untapped game genre that is just waiting for the right game to take off.


Community Contributor
Lots of characters going in a dungeon together might as well be an MMO as you'll need a central server to deal with all of it. Having just a few characters connecting directly to one player might work, though. No idea why that isn't done more.
Sep 13, 2020
Lots of characters going in a dungeon together might as well be an MMO as you'll need a central server to deal with all of it. Having just a few characters connecting directly to one player might work, though. No idea why that isn't done more.
I'd imagine it could work like L4D, Borderlands, Vermintide, etc. where you just join a lobby and select your character to load.
Jan 30, 2020
I've heard that Elder Scrolls Online has a first person mode, players seem to say it works well for PvE but leaves you at a disadvantage for PvP. The only other one I'd heard of is Mortal Online (with MO2 due for release soon). Looks to be free to play, so can try at no cost which is always good, browse for them on Steam.
Sep 13, 2020
I've tried ESO but it still feels more like an MMO than a FPP type game. That MO is also an MMO, and it looks like PVP as well.

I'm just looking for a good ole' co-op romp thru some dungeons, caves, swamps, etc with my buds. Of everything I've played so far Vermintide really captures the feel but unfortunately that is just L4D with a fantasy skin. I want more like a Diablo type game where you kill mobs, smash barrels, and can load in/out multiple classes.

Aside from the games I mentioned in OP it's obvious there isn't a game like this yet. Here's hoping some future devs put something together.
Sep 13, 2020
This looks promising. A new game coming out with a sort of Hexen vibe and includes co-op:

Jul 13, 2020
There are a plethora of really old school first person dungeon crawlers if you're into old games.
Eye of Beholder series, older Elder Scrolls and newer titles Legend of Grimrock 1 and 2.
Sep 13, 2020
There are a plethora of really old school first person dungeon crawlers if you're into old games.
Eye of Beholder series, older Elder Scrolls and newer titles Legend of Grimrock 1 and 2.
Yep, love those games too. What I'm looking for though is a true FPP with co-op. Think Diablo with an Overwatch engine.
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Sep 13, 2020
I can't believe no one has mentioned "Dungeons and Dragons" online. that game is fantastic, and is made for a party of 4 or so people. There is tons of content that you can play for free, but the premium dungeons are very good. You don't need to spend a ton either if you work the sales. I spent 50 bucks and have most of the content to level 10 which is a huge amount. (level cap is 20)

I don't know how the community is today, but if you already have your group give the game a try, even if you don't go for it. Healers are always welcome on any group, but mages, warriors, rouge are all fun.

I hear neverwtiner nights online is good too, but i've never played, but DDO is nothing but instanced dungeon crawls. Small town hubs, and you launch the dungeons from doors around the city. IMO it's better than skyrim by a lot as far as a dungeon crawling experiance goes.

Both excellent suggestions and I play both of those as well. Trouble is each is an MMO and has that certain MMO feel where you are waiting for global cooldowns to perform your next action. Plus they are 3rd person.

What I'm looking for is a 1st person Co-op ARPG dungeon crawler. At this point I don't think any really exist yet.
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Sep 13, 2020
Grimrock Is a pretty solid first person game, though it's not really a FPS, you do move in FP and have a group on your grid. You move around and solve puzzles to get deeper, very solid game.
Grimrock is fantastic,, as is the sequel. Love those tile based crawlers.

What I'm looking for is a free moving FPP game that also has co-op. It simply doesn't exist.
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Nov 11, 2020
Found this thread by chance when doing a Google search for first-person roguelike, and yeah I too wonder why that isn't a thing. I've longed for a game like that since I first started playing Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, which is when I found out that medieval FPS combat can actually be good, unlike the generic crap we see in games like Skyrim. Take that type of melee / archery gameplay, add a fun spellcasting system (like Skyrim but balanced), roguelike elements from games like Barony and a good AI and you'd have the game that every fantasy lover out there dreams of.

I don't know why this hasn't been done yet. Even a top-down MOBA-like gameplay would work very well (think Battlerite meets Warcraft 3 Impossible Bosses map) for a dungeon crawler co-op, but for now we just don't have any options. My friends and I play Barony every once in a while, but I'm not really a fan of how it handles combat.
Sep 13, 2020
I guess where i'm getting hung up is the whole FIRST person, verse controlling 1 character in third person. I really dislike first person games. I can't recall the last one i played. Well mech warrior, but i'm in a mech, so at least i don't get motion sick.

I suppose there could be a game made that gives you the option of going in first, but a game like that would be very big, i don't know why they would go with first only. Personally i think cyberpunk made a huge mistake with that. Game went from a must buy to a hard pass which is sad because i think i would of liked it, but FPS makes me motion sick.

You know i liked the first witcher way more than 2 for this exact reason. You can zoom out and play with just a mouse, using the occasional hotkey to use a spell, or potion, or swap weapon styles. If your quick with the mouse you can even do it with the onscreen icons. I love 3D ISO metric mouse clicker RPG's and the witcher was the best one i ever played. Diablo is ok but it's just hack and slash, same with torchlight.

But yes, i would love a game like that. Lara croft and the temple of Osiris is played like that though, check it out, it's 4 player co-op. You fight monsters and solve puzzles by working together it's a rather cool game, but you really need 4 people to play it.

I'm just the opposite, ... I actually prefer 1st person games over 3rd person titles. Each style definitely has its pros and cons and some games cater to the quirks of each one.

Hell I'd be happy with even a 3rd person option at this point. The fact remains there just aren't any games of this genre out there.
Sep 15, 2021
Does this game exist?

Ever since I played Skyrim for the first time I've longed for a co-op experience of a full party of specialized class roles (fighter/MU/thief/healer) in a first person fantasy based dungeon crawler. Up til now most dungeon crawlers are the tile/turn based solo endevours (M&M, EotB, Grimrock, etc), but any realtime party based romps are surprisingly rare.

Thus far the only three games I've found with a 1st person view option and co-op options are:


Lots of classes, fairly in-depth game engine. 3D engine is entirely voxel based.

View: https://youtu.be/tXke3mvEZVM

This game could have shaped up to be exactly what I was looking for, but unfortunately fell into developer creep and died on the vine.


Perfectly captures the combat engine. Basically L4D but with a Warhammer skin.

I'm looking for a dungeon crawler with these types of features:

CO-OP - Swap different characters in/out, personal loot, trading, shared exp, etc.
Classic D&D aesthetic, endless dungeons, random encounters, inns,
Several varied class options (fighter, caster, healer, support, stealth, ranged, etc).
Diablo/Looter-shooter game loop (Kill mobs, get loot/quests/bounties, etc).

My pick-3 gameplay elements would be:

WoW class/race/spec/mog variability
Diablo/Borderlands/Destiny ARPG/loot mill mechanic
Overwatch FPS engine

Blizzard was actually working on something like this:

Are there any 1st person co-op dungeon crawlers out there? If not, why not? This is an untapped game genre that is just waiting for the right game to take off.

My name is Potato and have you tried hunted demons forge. it is literally the baseline version of what you are asking for. not as in depth as skyrim but over the shoulder rpg.. its semi linear, meaning it has some secret routes that give you rewards.. but mostly linear.
I lured my wife into video games through hunted, then we played remnant from the ashes and now were having fun in ark.

We have been begging for another "skyrim" type game and searching for one has been fruitless.
another coop game you can play is green hell.. its as short as you make it, but its a survival game thats coop..
Jun 8, 2021
Might and magic: dark messiah is old but pretty decent. There is also Arx Fatalis ,another old game, but also good. They recently added it to pc game pass.
Sep 15, 2021
Have you looked into the many many mods for Skyrim? I haven't played, but if they're like other games' mods, some will play like almost completely new games.
we did look into skyrim together but from the reviews its too glitchy and it did not look appealing to me or the wife because of that.
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Sep 15, 2021
We might look into it again, its been about a year since we gave it a shot.

We really liked remnant from the ashes, It had a good story line, was open enough where a little exploration led to reward. but not so open that you got lost on a side mission. Very souls like. Skyrim when she tried out the regular version made her annoyed with the go here get this, return to me for a reward system. I wish more games too remnants play style and coop options and gave us a good story.

I wish more games were COOP like Hunted: demons forge or Remnant from the Ashes.


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