Question Which games would you buy?

Dec 14, 2020

I have 50 bucks and have to choose between the following games:
RDR2, Anno1800, Ancestors, DoomEternal and Cyberpunk. My system: Ryzon5-3,6 Geforce GTX1050TI , Gygabyte NVM SSD M.2 1TB and 16gb

I´m ok with lower graphic settings. Games I recently played and looked fine for me: Green Hell, Subnautica BZ, Kingdom Come Deliverance, TC Wildlands, Doom (2016). 1080p would be the goal and avoiding motion sickness. Monster Hunter W Iceborn is playable but not very enjoyable in therms of performance for me.

*Also, im thinking about buying a new screen in the future (HL272HPB, 60HZ, 27'' is what I have atm), because I´m hoping for a better gaming experience. The GPU is intentionally low profile, since I like the low power consumption.
Regarding the display I was thinking about going for a 144HZ 24'' or 27''. In the past the size was more important for me, but now I would say relaxed Eyes are the goal.

I would appreciate your experiences and suggestions. Thank you!
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Dec 14, 2020
So, these are my options:

1. One game only: RDR2 (great open world from what I´ve seen, not sure how well it would run on my system though) 36
2. One game only: Cyberpunk (Probably many bugs and poor performance, high price)
3. Anno1800 and Ancestors (40)
4. Anno 1800 and Doom Eternal (42)
5. Ancestors and Doom (31 Bucks)

At the moment I tend towards RDR2 and hope the performance won´t be that bad.

As for the new monitor maybe next year, im not sure yet. Are there any noticeable differences between 24'' and 27''? Both 144HZ and around 200-300 Bucks.

I´m posting all of this because I thought maybe someone has a similar system and could share their experiences. As I said, thanks for any tips or suggestions!
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Jun 26, 2020
Out of all those games, I'd probably go with RDR2. Cyberpunk is great, but it will not be pretty on your hardware, and it will not run well. RDR2 is a great game, pretty long, looks great but it's well optimized. Plus there is the online, which isn't great but it's still fun. I haven't played Anno but I hear it's great. However, you can get access to Anno with Ubisoft+, so that's a good way to play it and save some money.

For the monitor, the differences are obvious. 27" will take up more of your viewspace and I therefore find it more immersive. Biggest differences will come in the little functional details, like response time, contrast, etc. I personally go for 27" minimum on my monitors, but I spend a ton of time in front of my PC so it's really preference.
Dec 14, 2020
Yeah, I think it will be RDR2 :) Well optimized sounds promising. I never really cared for Ubi+ but maybe I will have a look at it now.

I have a 27'' monitor at the moment and I love the size. I thought maybe a smaller one would be more relaxing for the eyes? If that´s not the case, I´ll go for the bigger one, of course.

Thank you!
Dec 14, 2020
I don´t know, maybe I´m a bit old-fashioned. When I buy a game I wan´t to pay once and then own it for the rest of my life. Even if I play it only one time.

Maybe I´ll give all these services like Microsoft Gamepass and Ubi+ a go. Not sure whether you can keep the games or have to give them back after canceling the membership.

Thanks for your suggestion though, it´s a good idea. I made it to Netflix, maybe I can go a step further :)
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Jun 26, 2020
You definitely don't keep the games, but it's kind of nice when there's a bunch out that you kinda want to play but don't want to fork over 60 bucks to play it. I love ubisoft+ for that specifically, because I never finish their games but sometimes it's a nice distraction.
Dec 14, 2020
I was thinking of a free game per month (which you can keep). Everything else would be crazy :)

I think the mainreason why I didn´t use these services so far is, that I like my virtual gamelibrary -even if no one else cares- and I like to expand it. You have the feeling of some kind of "progression" and it also gives you a (permanent?) record of your gaminghistory :)

* Personally I really enjoyed the Assassins Creed franchise, same goes for FarCry

I wanted to buy the games via Paysafecard, not sure if that´s an option for these services.. will check it myself :)

I´ll have to go for now, it´s late here in my country, cu!
Dec 7, 2020
I personally find Gamepass Ultimate to be a worthwhile investment (and a cheaper one if you buy Gold and then use the $1 upgrade that Microsoft is currently providing - although that's over soon! You can upgrade up to 36 months of Xbox Live Gold to Gamepass Ultimate for $1).

It gives access to a massive game library (if we're talking about PC, it's something like ~225 games) and if xCloud is available in your area and you have Gamepass Ultimate (as opposed to Gamepass for PC), you're also able to play the game library on your mobile phone (bluetooth Xbox controller required) which is super awesome in itself.

Games DO leave the library, but you are given notice before this happens. If you decide to purchase the game from the Microsoft store, you'll receive a discount on the game due to being a Gamepass subscriber. Then, of course, there is the fact that new games are added very regularly (something like 25 games were put on Gamepass or announced to go onto Gamepass this month).


I got a bit too side tracked, sorry. Back to your original question, I'll rely on the list of games you've suggested as they'd be ones you're interested in. RDR2 seems like the most solid investment in your budget - assuming your system will run it to your liking.

In regards to your monitor....I'd definitely have to lean toward getting the 27". It's a fairly standard size and seeing as you play on that size already, you will surely notice a big difference if you were to go with the 24". I also note that you mentioned buying next year as a possibility; I think waiting into next year (at a minimum) would be a smart move unless you desperately need a new monitor.

My reasoning for suggesting that you wait to buy a new monitor unless you're in dire need is because the new generation gaming consoles are stirring up the monitor market a fair bit. There are some great features becoming more readily available across the different price ranges - and even if you're not wanting one of these new monitors, the increased range should hopefully do some positive things for consumers price-wise. A lot of these monitors "creating the new standard" are still pending release for early/mid 2021...I'm excited to see what they do to the market.
Dec 14, 2020
Thank you for the elaborated answer! I checked Microsoft Game Pass and the available games. It´s tempting and in my area if I buy one month of ultimate I get 2 month for free. Not bad.
The main reason against such services is the cancellation process. If it would be similar easy to Nextflix, maybe I would check it out.

The discount when I´m already a member and decide to buy a game in the library probably can´t compete with the usual rates I buy my games at. Normally I pay around 10-25 bucks for a game. AAAtitles are the exemption but that´s not happening very often. I think The Witcher3 was the last game I payed the full price.

The mobile aspect sounds interesting, too but for now I only use my pc for gaming. I think the problem will (is)be to choose from the fantastic offer of games and movies. I would say I have quite a large amount of sparetime but even that´s not enough for all the (virtual) entertainment out there.

As for the monitor: I´m not in a hurry. I thought about it in terms of what would be the best upgrade for my system. Beside buying a new gpu, but it´s intentionally low profile, I like the low power consumption.

In some games (e.g. Monster Hunter World) I´m having this effect called motion sickness and thought maybe a 144Hz would be better (60Hz atm). I havent looked much in the new technologies and don´t know what would be nice to have.

Even the 144Hz debate is not consistent. Some say they see the difference, some say there isn´t one at all.
The other thing regarding monitors I heard of is G-sync and my new one should probably have it.. that´s about it.

27'' is a good size. Even if I could afford 32''+ I think it would be to big. From the technical site I thought maybe a 24'' could be more pleasing to the eyes compared to 27'' because of the lower size the display would be "more fluent" for some reason but that could be wrong.

So long, these were my thoughts, have a nice day!
Dec 14, 2020
RDR2, which I've just finished, is by far the best game I've played in years. You won't be disappointed. It took me a few months, but worth every minute.
I watched quite a bit of freeroam and stuff and was really impressed by the weather and the scenery. I know it won´t look that good on my system, but I hope it will look good enough. Some games look good even with lower details etc..

*So, I bought it. Only 10hrs left for the download to finish :) I think the last time I was that excited gaming-wise was when The Witcher 3 was released.. :)
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Dec 14, 2020
This is now a RD2 fan thread :D
Haha, yeah :) So I had to reduce the downloadspeed in the launcher, because otherwise I couldn´t do anything else on the internet and in addition the download keeps stopping after a while. So now it says 17hrs left. It´s like in the old times when I had ISDN.

Since I made a mistake with the prepaidcard I could buy another game and I think it will be anno1800. But I also have the feeling there won´t be any time left besides RDR2.. :)
Dec 14, 2020
So, I played it for a little while and have to say it´s ok (performance-wise. I don´t know fps but it feels like maybe 25-30? Maybe I´ll run the benchmark later). It´s still a beautiful game but I realize it´s a little bit much for my rig (Ryzon5-3,6, 16gb ddr4, gtx 1050ti 4gb, NVMe ssd 1tb). Motion sickness is bearable for a few hours and I´m not sure what would be the best way to solve this.

Probably a new gpu, but maybe a new screen would help, too?

I can´t play around with the details too much, otherwise the game looks ugly and I dont have high standards.

Besides the graphics, the game has been lots of fun so far, so I don´t regret that I bought it :)

Now you know :D


Community Contributor
Motion sickness is really funky stuff that can be caused by a huge number of factors and will be different for different people. (I wonder if it would be possible to set up a bunch of tests to isolate what factors are causing it for a given person? Might be some money in that...)

30fps actually isn't all that terrible in single player. It will be somewhat harder to shoot things than it would be with 50+. Guess you could role play as a cowboy that's always a little bit drunk. ;)

GPU would help, I'm pretty sure. You can be more certain by watching the framerate when you make the game look ugly. If you still have about the same fps with the ugly version, it's something else slowing everything down.
Dec 14, 2020
Still laughing about the drunken cowboy roleplay- part :D lol
Yeah, i`m pretty sure a new GPU would definetely improve the flow of the game.

I´m not so happy about the power consumption of these monster 3080 etc.. Maybe there will be something more powerful than my 1050ti in the future with similar or even lower tdp.

And as for my screen, I simply dont know how much of an impact it has. But I can image that playing on a newer one with g-sync, 144hz and all that stuff would probably be more smooth. I dont even know exactly how old my screen is (HannsG HL 272 HPB).

But still, the game ist fun and I will run a benchmark today. I think in more demanding areas the framerate will be really not that impressive (hmm, maybe around 10? I´ll see :D )

Thanks for your reply, good one with the roleplay .)
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Dec 14, 2020
So, I ran the benchmark and I have to say I was surprised :D

Min FPS: 27, Max FPS: 55, average 33FPS. These are good results only for my past gaming experience. I´m sure for many others it would be considered unplayable.

But yeah, the game is really great, for sure one of the best I´ve played so far. For some reason I was a little bit reminded off Metal Gear 5, even the Hero has its similarities.

And since I didn´t play GTA5, maybe I will add it to the initial list. Not sure, Anno1800 sounds still good and Ancestors would be interesting, too.

No idea, I have to go to my camp now, cheers :D
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