Question Which Game You're Playing Right Now?

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Nov 24, 2020
Which Game You're Most Playing In These Days?
If You Ask Me, I'm Playing VALORANT.

I was playing only Red Dead Redemption 2 for weeks, but since the story took a turn with the protagonist getting so sick he can't even eat enough to restore his Deadeye, and Pearson running off, I was left with a go nowhere ending for Arthur, and unfinished camp upgrades. Even when it switches you over to playing John, by the time you actually get to build and live in a real home, you're already well into the final chapter.

So I've put that game down since then, and started playing GRID 2019.
Jun 26, 2020
Phasmophobia with the gaming crew here and there, sea of thieves to get the current skins, and various VR games when my back issues aren't killing me. Valhalla when I get tired of browsing the internet (although it's hard to keep myself motivated in that one).

This is kind of a drought of games for me at the moment. Hoping Cyberpunk is enjoyable enough to keep me busy for a long stretch.
Valhalla when I get tired of browsing the internet (although it's hard to keep myself motivated in that one).
Can you elaborate as to why Valhalla is hard to stay motivated to keep playing? Did you play Origins and Odyssey, and if so, how is it in any way less motivating to play than those? I know a lot of people were upset by the change to RPG nature with dialog trees, and even more upset by the omission of shields in Odyssey, however I was glad to see in a video I saw of Valhalla that you can at least have shields in your inventory and in combat.

Now and then I check first plays of some games when I want to get a feel of how they play, and I often check theRadBrad's videos. He said Valhalla felt smoother in combat, except for dual wielding.
Nov 24, 2020
I was playing only Red Dead Redemption 2 for weeks, but since the story took a turn with the protagonist getting so sick he can't even eat enough to restore his Deadeye, and Pearson running off, I was left with a go nowhere ending for Arthur, and unfinished camp upgrades. Even when it switches you over to playing John, by the time you actually get to build and live in a real home, you're already well into the final chapter.

So I've put that game down since then, and started playing GRID 2019.

That was nice bro, well done and stay great. 💙
Nov 24, 2020
Phasmophobia with the gaming crew here and there, sea of thieves to get the current skins, and various VR games when my back issues aren't killing me. Valhalla when I get tired of browsing the internet (although it's hard to keep myself motivated in that one).

This is kind of a drought of games for me at the moment. Hoping Cyberpunk is enjoyable enough to keep me busy for a long stretch.

So great💙
and don't worry, Cyberpunk will be enjoyable, so you just keep enjoying.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Still playing Command & Conquer Remastered Collection and totally enjoying it. Completed both main games—C&C and Red Alert—and the C&C expansion Covert Ops. Now nearly half way thru first RA expansion Aftermath.

Only bit I detest is the few dungeon-crawling missions which are so different from the rest—but only 3 of them so far out of ~100 of the ~150 missions completed.

Most missions have a significant strategic element, ie choices to make which will have consequences. This in contrast with more modern RTSs which seem to have upped the Tactics at the expense of Strategy.

I'm not familiar with all the other remasters out there, but I'll be surprised if this isn't the best so far.
Jun 26, 2020
Can you elaborate as to why Valhalla is hard to stay motivated to keep playing? Did you play Origins and Odyssey, and if so, how is it in any way less motivating to play than those? I know a lot of people were upset by the change to RPG nature with dialog trees, and even more upset by the omission of shields in Odyssey, however I was glad to see in a video I saw of Valhalla that you can at least have shields in your inventory and in combat.

Now and then I check first plays of some games when I want to get a feel of how they play, and I often check theRadBrad's videos. He said Valhalla felt smoother in combat, except for dual wielding.

I don't know, I actually like it a lot more than I liked Odyssey or Origins, games I really did not like much at all. The combat is certainly a lot better. The story is okay, but the game loop is extremely repetitive (as is tradition) and after so long I just kinda lost interest. I loved the first AC but every one since then other than Brotherhood just hasn't clicked with me I guess.
Jan 13, 2020
WoW Shadowlands, hoping to get into a lot of PvP this expansion seeing as how it may be my favorite way of gearing up other than Heroic Raiding. Also checking out Bloodrayne Terminal Cut for the first time, interesting game, it certainly has aged, so this re-release helps, and the game is strangely addicting.


Community Contributor
Nearly done with Troubleshooters so I'm giving it a rest while all the DLC missions roll out. I needed something to play for a few weeks but I would rather avoid another JRPG. I'm expecting to get a new PC sometime soon, too, so I would like something I can play with 3D Vision for the last time. I decided to go for Mad Max, which was only $5 and got great reviews. Pretty fun so far but so far it seems the best way to deal with enemy cars is to hop out of my own car and dodge them until they get frustrated and come out to fight.
I decided to go for Mad Max, which was only $5 and got great reviews. Pretty fun so far but so far it seems the best way to deal with enemy cars is to hop out of my own car and dodge them until they get frustrated and come out to fight.
Yep, early on before you have many upgrades, that works best. I used steep banks to wait for them where they couldn't run me over with their cars. Later on when you get more upgrades to make you car faster and better handling, and get Thunderpoons, that will all change.

It's a great game, I had a lot of fun with it. In fact it kinda ruined Rage 2 for me because I kept comparing them while playing Rage 2 and thinking it wasn't as good a game.
Jan 13, 2020
Still playing...
TROUBLESHOOTER: Abandoned Children on Steam (

I've gotten all the characters now so I think it's starting to wrap up. Then I can start on the free DLC!

Ah! I just got this, and I want to get into it, but still fussing with Desperados 3. Which feels more and more like a puzzle game and less and less like tactics/strategy, in that there's a seeming sequence to knocking off the folks and maybe only a couple sequence options... so I may jet! How long have you been in Troubleshooter for?


Community Contributor
How long have you been in Troubleshooter for?
Just over 200 hours but that number is really skewed. I wrote up a guide for the game plus I've been trying to help with the translation quite a bit. I started a topic over in the RPG section.

I stayed away from Desperados 3 just because it was real time. For reasons I don't understand, those never seem to work out very well for me unless the camera is down to the over-the-shoulder level. Looking closer at it, though, that might have been wrong. Seems you actually pause the game, tell everyone where to go, then let it play out. That sounds a bit more along the lines of Battlestar Galactica, which I did like. Hmmm...
Jan 13, 2020
Just over 200 hours but that number is really skewed. I wrote up a guide for the game plus I've been trying to help with the translation quite a bit. I started a topic over in the RPG section.

I stayed away from Desperados 3 just because it was real time. For reasons I don't understand, those never seem to work out very well for me unless the camera is down to the over-the-shoulder level. Looking closer at it, though, that might have been wrong. Seems you actually pause the game, tell everyone where to go, then let it play out. That sounds a bit more along the lines of Battlestar Galactica, which I did like. Hmmm...

I'm kind of hitting the same issue at this point--half way through the game, and it's become more chore than fun--which is absolutely a first world problem--but I'm with you. Would much rather be able to pause, queue up a sequence, and then see how it goes. Like Frozen Synapse, maybe. The way it's done now is sort of in between, and as much as I love to watch the creativity of the speedruns on YT, it still feels a bit betwixt and between trigger-happy realtime squad and pause-think-strategy.

Will dive into Troubleshooters next then!
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