Question Which Command and Conquer is your favorite?

This is one series i never got into for one reason or another. It's always peaked my interest and i actually bought the entire series on sale on origin years ago but again just never fit it into the old gaming schedule. Red Alert 3 always stood out to me as the one i really should play. Why you ask? Well basically i just love FMV video games and this one has Jenny Mcarthy playing someone key to the story and i've seen a clip and thought, i gotta play this game! Well i'm gonna do it finally. I wonder if the game will live up to my favorite game with FMV Mech Commander II.

So it has me wondering i know this game goes deep with so many versions and i just have to ask, what is your Favorite?

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I'm with @XoRn on this.

1. Generals Zero Hour—the Generals Challenge made this for me, it's a great extra after you finish the campaigns.

2. Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge is probably the funniest of the lot—with great gameplay too, of course.

@JCgames That said, the best value is last year's release of Command & Conquer Remastered—only $20 full price for two full games and their 3 significant expansions, around 150 missions in total.
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Millions of hours of gameplay time with Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge. The game had many parodies in pretty much all of the missions. The best mission IMHO was Hollywood and Vain. The action movie hero's voice overs and actions were hilarious!

Generals was okay, the destruction was amazing. I bet the GLA voice actors were all in You Don't Mess With the Zohan. Sorry I had to...
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Jan 13, 2020
C&C 2 Tiberian Sun my absolute favorite for storyline, atmosphere, cooperative multiplayer, soundtrack. Firestorm expansion pack further compliments the above with an excellent story and a fantastic villain in both games. Joe Kucan as Kane can't be beat.

C&C Red Alert 95 for storyline, one on one multiplayer, gameplay. Counterstrike and Aftermath both superb expansions, as well as secret Ant Missions.

C&C Tiberium Dawn and the Covert Operations and Dinosaur Missions for being that first awesome original with an excellent story, soundtrack, cinematics, unique units and strategies (5 engineers & Chinook/APC + Obelisk in the queue = Win)

C&C3 Tiberium Wars, the last great Command & Conquer. An absolute spectacle in the cooperative multiplayer department against the AI. Decent story and great soundtrack too.

Red Alert 2 started off okay, but when I realized it went comedic I didn't enjoy it as much. Multiplayer was way too fast paced for me to enjoy compared to the previous games. Yuri's Revenge had a great story, enjoyed it. Some of us theorized Yuri was actually one of Kane's clones.

Loved C&C Generals and Zero Hour being the first 3D Command & Conquer and we had a lot of fun at the LAN with it, great soundtrack too--especially USA Laser General.

Red Alert 3 and Sole Survivor both meh.

C&C4 Tiberian Twilight... could have been so much more, storyline was not as good as previous Tiberium entries, soundtrack not as good. Some okay multiplayer cooperative against the AI, but the gameplay was lacking.