What's Your Favorite Game Vehicle(s)?


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I play a lot of racing games, but my favorite vehicles don't come from any of them. My favorite vehicles all come from the game Big Ambitions. Your vehicle is incredibly important in this game, and the top-down driving through New York City is wildly fun. Traffic laws? Never heard of them.

Since I last played, they've added a few vehicles which may be better, but my go to vehicle is the Vord V150. It's cheap enough that you can get it fairly early, and it isn't as slow as the starter vehicles. It used to be able to carry more stuff than any vehicle other than the freight truck, but it looks like one of the new vehicles tops it.

And then once I'm rolling in money, I start buying luxury vehicles just for fun. They tend not to hold much cargo, but their speed and handling are fantastic. The one I tend to gravitate to is the Mersaidi Mgagt GT.

Several huge pieces of equipment from the Farm Simulator games would probably be next.
As with most "what is your favourite?" questions, my main problem is to remember all of my options. Most of the games I've played don't have vehicles, or at least no vehicles you control yourself.

The best I can come up with now is Jet's car in Rollcage. Though I also enjoyed flying around with the jet in Battlefield 2.
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water still looks good... rest of game not so much. Switch version probably looks better I guess.

It was fun 25 or more years ago.
no other (non racing games) stand out for having fun vehicles that I have played
Oh wow. I didn't realize you could actually get it for Switch.

* looks it up *

CROOKS! I'm not signing up for Nintendo Online and Expansion Packs! I refuse to rent Wave Race 64 for $50/year. That's flat out robbery.

Nintendo can ***********************************************************************
(edited to comply with site rules)
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Ok, maybe not the "best" vehicle, but it felt like a revelation to pilot the flying car in Cybermage: Darklight Awakening. There weren't a lot of games in 1995 where you could use vehicles, let alone 2 different kinds.

Just Cause 3 has fantastic vehicles, not only is there a huge variety, moreso than even GTA V, but every single one you can get out and ride on top of it by holding on with your grappling hook. There's not many more fun feelings than flying in a fighter jet, jumping out and walking on the wings, only to grapple on to another chasing you and steal it from the pilot.

(Caveat: I found this video with my phone on mute, so I have no idea if this guy is obnoxious. Also, I can't figure out how to copy at the current time via Firefox on my phone, so skip to about 1:30)
View: https://youtu.be/6vW5uJR7y38?si=4C7-ccVhX0CUGcNb

And bonus: Snowrunner. It has the International Scout. Still wish I'd have bought one when I was a teenager and they could be picked up all day for $1000. Of course, I didn't have the knowledge of wherewithal to fix it at the time and probably would have ended up selling it anyway.
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Dec 22, 2024
Easy. Forklift #5.



On a Journey
CROOKS! I'm not signing up for Nintendo Online and Expansion Packs! I refuse to rent Wave Race 64 for $50/year. That's flat out robbery.
is that shortest period?

Its not a very long game. I mean, it doesn't have that many tracks (9),but each has variations that make it more challenging as you progress through difficulties.. Its excuse is its almost 30 years old and one of the first 3d racing games. You can in theory finish entire game in an hour

I spent most of my time trying to beat my top times on tracks. I only really stopped playing it when the battery in the cart stopped working and it wouldn't remember new scores anymore.


Community Contributor
is that shortest period?

Its not a very long game. I mean, it doesn't have that many tracks (9),but each has variations that make it more challenging as you progress through difficulties.. Its excuse is its almost 30 years old and one of the first 3d racing games. You can in theory finish entire game in an hour

I spent most of my time trying to beat my top times on tracks. I only really stopped playing it when the battery in the cart stopped working and it wouldn't remember new scores anymore.
I know all about it. I put tons of hours into it. I don't want to just finish it. I want to open it now and then and play like I do my other racing games. But it's all good. I can play it if I really want to. I even found the cartridge, which I assumed was long gone. And Mario 64 and Golden Eye and some Donkey Kong I don't remember.
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OK, I'm going to call 3 of them.

For flat-out total fun over the whole game: your car in Mad Max. Fast, maneuverable, deadly... good gaming fun!

The airship in the original Final Fantasy 7 was great, too, for story reasons and because it finally opened up the world. Finally, it wasn't just the land, it wasn't just the ocean, it was everywhere you wanted to go (except a few choice spots that could only be reached via chocobo)!

For peak joy, even if I didn't use it much, the insanity of the giant dump truck in Just Cause 3, which I stole from some construction yard.
View: https://youtu.be/EdrFuSgiLsM

Only thing I can think of right now is when I tried to play Mass Effect Legendary Edition a year or two ago having never played it before, I got to the Mako and stopped playing the game almost immediately.
My first thought was "Not the Mako!!"
The nomad in mass effect andromeda is an absolute blast to drive around in. Especially on the low g world.

For a driving game I love gotham racing on the origional Xbox or ATV 3 racing on the Playstation 2.

While they werent awesome, it was great fun driving around in starwars galaxies with the tons of speeders and mounts and the flying game was shear awesomeness. It was xwing verse tie fight on steroids. Some space battles got as big as 30+ people per side, with gunboats manned with up too 5 gunnerd and two man ships with tal gunners. Was a total blast!

I would like to find a more modern racing game. Perhaps something off road and I do want to get the new ms flight Sim, soon ill see if anything someone posts peeks my interest.

Only thing I can think of right now is when I tried to play Mass Effect Legendary Edition a year or two ago having never played it before, I got to the Mako and stopped playing the game almost immediately.

Only the worst vehicle ever made in any game. I have no idea how it's not universally loathed. And if you think it's bad in the legendary version,you have no idea how horrible it was before. It's easily 10x better in that version and it's still the worst vehicle in game history!

I honestly have no clue how the actually shipped the game with it in this state. And for me ti complain how horrible it is, trust me it's worst lol.

Normally I'll say, ehh I don't like it or I'd rather play something else and leave it at that. This is beyond help. It's not even moon buggy fun, it's just the worst attempt at physics, and combine it with the least friendly maps that gave you waypiont to travel in the worst possible way go get to where you need to go. It's like an evil version of wayz combined with a buggy that bounces on its roof more often than its wheels. How this was allowed has ti be the biggest mystery in gaming.
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Only the worst vehicle ever made in any game. I have no idea how it's not universally loathed. And if you think it's bad in the legendary version,you have no idea how horrible it was before. It's easily 10x better in that version and it's still the worst vehicle in game history!

I honestly have no clue how the actually shipped the game with it in this state. And for me ti complain how horrible it is, trust me it's worst lol.

Normally I'll say, ehh I don't like it or I'd rather play something else and leave it at that. This is beyond help. It's not even moon buggy fun, it's just the worst attempt at physics, and combine it with the least friendly maps that gave you waypiont to travel in the worst possible way go get to where you need to go. It's like an evil version of wayz combined with a buggy that bounces on its roof more often than its wheels. How this was allowed has ti be the biggest mystery in gaming.

Its very bad. To be fair I was enjoying everything else well enough allowing for the age of the game so I might still go back one day. I played ME2 without playing 1 and then didnt play 3 or Andromeda so would like to see it all one day from the beginning.

I used to like some driving games a lot, V Rally, Colin Mcrae, Sega Rally but mainly used to play them in student days on the couch. Checking my library I realized I havent played a significant amount of any game where driving a vehicle directly is a huge part apart from maybe Cyberpunk 2077, and I mostly fast travelled where possible in that. It wasnt a conscious thing just kind of happened.
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The airship in the original Final Fantasy 7 was great, too, for story reasons and because it finally opened up the world. Finally, it wasn't just the land, it wasn't just the ocean, it was everywhere you wanted to go (except a few choice spots that could only be reached via chocobo)!

Balamb Garden from Final Fantasy VIII came to mind for me. Flying around in a massive building was pretty cool. It even had an indoor park with T-rexes in it!

Only the worst vehicle ever made in any game. I have no idea how it's not universally loathed. And if you think it's bad in the legendary version,you have no idea how horrible it was before. It's easily 10x better in that version and it's still the worst vehicle in game history!

I honestly have no clue how the actually shipped the game with it in this state. And for me ti complain how horrible it is, trust me it's worst lol.

Normally I'll say, ehh I don't like it or I'd rather play something else and leave it at that. This is beyond help. It's not even moon buggy fun, it's just the worst attempt at physics, and combine it with the least friendly maps that gave you waypiont to travel in the worst possible way go get to where you need to go. It's like an evil version of wayz combined with a buggy that bounces on its roof more often than its wheels. How this was allowed has ti be the biggest mystery in gaming.

I don't remember having any issues with the Mako. I wonder if I'd hate it if I were to replay Mass Effect now.

I vaguely remember reading that there's a setting to switch the controls of the Mako in the Legendary edition, maybe that would help.
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Dec 22, 2024
I thought about this topic overnight and realised a lot of my favourite games actually have vehicles. With the racier games, how can I not love the OutRun "Ferrari" or the Hang-On "Honda"?

But even with non-racing games Heaven's Vault had the Nightingale ship, Obra Dinn was actually set in a ship (although you didn't really control it) and 80 Days had all sort of crazy vehicles (that you didn't control either with perhaps the moving city of Agra being the most impressive.

That's not to talk of shooters, with Panzer Dragoon dragoon perhaps the highlight if we think that a spaceship looks cool but it's been done to death by now.


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