What is the worst game ever you played?


Community Contributor
This is a difficult question in that I have to pick between a few early access games that were completely broken and unplayable and a few games that were so bad that I wished they were completely broken and unplayable.

I'm going to go with Final Fantasy 13. I just ran forward for about 14 hours. Of course, there were fights along the way, but the shocking disregard for any sort of level design just wore me down. It is one thing to make a linear game. It's entirely another thing to say, "Hey, since this is a linear game, let's just have them move in one direction over a featureless path the whole time."

But just as bad as that was the dialogue. I once heard a Japanese developer say that they got their terrible dialogue from imitating Hollywood movies, but, as poorly as blockbuster movies are written, I think Square Enix has taken the whole bad dialogue thing to god-level, and I just can't take it. I quit playing for that reason as much as I quit of boredom.
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That's a tough one. I've played a lot of games over my 41 years of gaming. I'm gonna take Early Access into account for my pick even though it's not a full release game. I'm picking it to show the risk with EA games as well. Can be the worse game or choice to make.

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That really is a tough one. If a game is really bad, I'm not going to play it for long. If I don't play it for long, I'll probably forget it. Maybe Remember Me? That game just wasn't interesting at all for me. Same with Dungeons of Dredmor. And Frozen Cortex.
But just as bad as that was the dialogue.
Final Fantasy stories were really getting bad at that point. I haven't been hearing how completely terrible 16's story is, so I presume they've gotten to be at least passable.


Community Contributor
That really is a tough one. If a game is really bad, I'm not going to play it for long. If I don't play it for long, I'll probably forget it. Maybe Remember Me? That game just wasn't interesting at all for me. Same with Dungeons of Dredmor. And Frozen Cortex.

Final Fantasy stories were really getting bad at that point. I haven't been hearing how completely terrible 16's story is, so I presume they've gotten to be at least passable.
There's one of the recent ones that I want to get if it goes on sale during the holidays, but I'm going to have to pull them up and see which one it was. I enjoyed the demo at the time. Looks like it's completely different from 13. The only other one I played was the original 7, which I loved.


On a Journey
I'm going to go with Final Fantasy 13. I just ran forward for about 14 hours. Of course, there were fights along the way, but the shocking disregard for any sort of level design just wore me down.
don't you like corridors and cut scenes. Its a way shorter game if you just skip all the cut scenes... seemed to be more of those that fights. I lost progress in that game so instead of watching them, I skipped and made up 3 hours in less time.
A tough question tbh, no game has been so bad that it would be forever seared into my long term memory and generally i avoid bad games. Life is too short for them. perhaps disappointing games or games i felt were over hyped garbage, but worst game i've played? hard to say.

Sure i played rise of the robots, but i played a few minutes in a game store, so that doesn't technically count. I might have a few amiga games i played which were rubbish. but... meh.


On a Journey
Superman 64? I don't actually remember if I bought it or its just the worst N64 game. Turok, the fog hunter? All of these were suffering from technology more than anything. They not bad like some of the games I have watched videos of in the last 10 years...

Duke Nukem Forever... they finally tried to change the meaning of DNF to something other than Did Not FInish. 13 years for that game... totally worth the wait... Star Citizen has to be careful its not DNF part 2.

Ride to Hell: retribution was fun to watch videos of.

I enjoy watching train wreck games, the ones hyped to death that end up being rubbish at launch. One list of the 2010's games listed NMS. It was bad but 6 years later they made it way better... so at least it fulfilled dreams.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Answer the spammer is worst I've played :rolleyes:

If a game is really bad, I'm not going to play it for long. If I don't play it for long, I'll probably forget it. Maybe Remember Me?

No, can't be. You're thinking of Forget Me.

generally i avoid bad games. Life is too short for them

Yeah, same here, plenty of 90s bad games long forgotten, and plenty of 1-3 hour forays dropped quickly also forgotten. Apart from that, I wait until games are fixed and finished, with tons of player reviews, so I don't get many bad surprises—that's Zed's job.

So avoiding all that leaves games I was looking forward to and expected to play and enjoy. Those which didn't:

♣ Metal Gear Solid 5—I like interactive movie games eg Her Story or in-game FMV cinematics like C&C games, but not when what I'm 'playing' is billed as sth else. Disrespect for player sucks.

♦ Far Cry 5 vanilla—while modded FC5 is the best quality FC so far, the unmodded original is unplayable for the same reason as MGS5 above, ie it was billed as another typical FC game. No mention of the forced capture sequences, which made me quickly drop the game for months until the Resistance mod came out.
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Community Contributor
Answer the spammer is worst I've played :rolleyes:

No, can't be. You're thinking of Forget Me.

Yeah, same here, plenty of 90s bad games long forgotten, and plenty of 1-3 hour forays dropped quickly also forgotten. Apart from that, I wait until games are fixed and finished, with tons of player reviews, so I don't get many bad surprises—that's Zed's job.

So avoiding all that leaves games I was looking forward to and expected to play and enjoy. Those which didn't:

♣ Metal Gear Solid 5—I like interactive movie games eg Her Story or in-game FMV cinematics like C&C games, but not when what I'm 'playing' is billed as sth else. Disrespect for player sucks.

♦ Far Cry 5 vanilla—while modded FC5 is the best quality FC so far, the unmodded original is unplayable for the same reason as MGS5 above, ie it was billed as another typical FC game. No mention of the forced capture sequences, which made me quickly drop the game for months until the Resistance mod came out.
Hmm, this post wasn't very funny. Making a note for Copilot...
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