What is the least helpful, or maybe most funny, NPC companion you've ever had?

In Nightingale, my NPC follower, Caroline, destroyed about 15 percent of our base by trying to shoot enemies through an open doorway. She destroyed the wall with the door, which created instability in the floor above, which lost walls and some of the roof.

This was not as bad as Kevin in Sons of the Forest who was destroying tree house bases by chopping down the trees they were in.

Ever had any destructive NPC helpers? Or maybe one who just did funny things?
In Far Cry 6 I was lining up a random long-distance headshot on a baddie below me across the river—I was on top of a cliff.

Guapo my croc Amigo picked that moment to shuffle up behind and tip me over the edge—RIP me :(


Of course there's always Hurk in any FC game he's in—as likely to blow you or himself up as kill the enemy!

Buddies who acquire incendiary capability after you upgrade 'em are bad news too—go hunting with Jess Black in FC5 and you'll get a fine roast, Father Jerome same with his flaming shotgun 🔥

I try to avoid buddies mostly, as their main job is to get in the way or need reviving :(


In Crysis 1, Psycho 'supports' you on a few missions on overwatch—you can see him up high blasting away in the mission to sink the ship, the one before the tank assault starts.

Thing is, I'm not aware of a single enemy he killed—and certainly no danger he drew the attention of the annoying choppers!
Darien Gautier from Elder Scrolls Online

He’s a story NPC that you bump into on various mission in ESO. He doesn’t do anything to or for you, he’s mainly there as comic relief. He’s a lovable ladies man, has a heart of gold but is too focused on chasing the damsels in any city we encounter that needs our help.

At first you think he’s just some throwaway silly character only there to make you laugh throughout all the extensive dialogue. He actually turns up in MANY different missions throughout the entire game, and he really sees you as a friend. The more you see him, the more he’s happy to see you. The amount of times he pops up without you even thinking that it’s a possibility had me shouting in glee each time I would find him.

So not really useless, pretty funny, but definitely memorable. What was your question again?
lets just ignore TLOU... entire game was an escort quest but its about only example of it being done right.

Funny thing is not all escorts in Sacred 2 were the same. Some actually just followed and didn't agro the mobs... and others were utterly insane and attacked everything with bare hands. Play game enough, you start to work out which ones to just say no to... unless you really trying to do all 600+ quests in game. Some of its quests broke depending on what other quests you done before. But I digress.
Got to say AI that kills you are the worst. indiana jones and the emperors tomb - female NPC does a round house into thug that knocks baddie into me and off the edge of a cliff.

Cannon fodder 2, i divide up the explosives and grenades and leave them safe whilst i sent one of the unit to scout. AI team with bazookas fires one of them into the back of the controlled soldier instant mission restart.

I have to say Resident evil 5 the AI companion drove me nuts. Too many bits relied on them doing everything solo. The problem is that if they get downed in an area you can't reach them (you threw him across a chasm or up an area to hit a switch), its instant restart as theres nothing you can do. The other issue is that any weapons you give them they will just waste against certain bosses. At one point i gave a cheap smg my companion to carry and the only way to hurt the boss is the HMGs on the boat. of course the AI is stupid and decides to plink away with the smg eating all ammo. Restart checkpoint, ripped the gun out of their possession and left them with a combat knife. Another time later in the game, we had to work together to free Jill. I grab her and require the AI to start pulling the gem out of her. Problem? shiva does a kick and knocks us both to the ground and i have to repeat the process again.
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