Question What games get your blood pumping?


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
I started Space Marine 2 last week and have been overjoyed by the raw, testosterone filled violence and carnage that fills me and my brothers with loyalty to the emperor. The combat and gameplay remind me of DOOM (2016) and it made me wonder... what other games out there give you that adrenaline surge? I'm talking My Craft is Death, Rip and Tear, Death at the Gates Again experiences.

Though I don't play them much any game with dogfights really gets my blood pumping withStar Wars Squadrons being the latest.

Games with the Arkham style combat do too; the Batman Arkham games of course, Mad Max, and Shadow of Mordor/War to name a few.

A few horror games have manged to do it too, the Dead Space remake being the most recent.
When I really notice the adrenaline is in competitive fps games like counter strike When I'm the last man alive on my team and you know everyone is watching.

Ultimately that reason was the end of me playing it as I was kicked from a game for making a stupid play and I didn't go back.

But it creates a rush like no other, and I started to enjoy it. Just a shame I didn't like my team mates each game enough to get good at it :tearsofjoy:


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Horror games like Amnesia: The Dark Decent and Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (at least the first half of the game).
Lately, POE2 has gotten my adrenaline pumping while doing high-end breaches. A breach is an event in which tons of monsters pour out of a portal that gradually expands with even more monsters. There is a risk reward because when you are in high-level breaches you risk dying and losing a lot of XP, but there is also a reward in having a better chance of getting more valuable drops.
Dec 22, 2024
Shmups like Truxton and Batsugun, RayForce (Layer Section) or R-Type, and all for different reasons but in general because they're so intense.

Truxton because it's all action and for the fact that death sends you to a checkpoint makes it a lot more intense as you can't afford to take even one bullet;
RayForce because you're juggling between what's happening in the main plane and the lower plane;
R-Type because of the devilish physical hazards of the stage design and the foreboding atmosphere as you go deeper and deeper (plus checkpoint deaths);
Batsugun because it's all action "oh, what a rush!" type shooter.
Competitive multiplayer 1 vs 1 usually gets my blood pumping. Chivalry 2 was the most recent when i first started playing and being able to get into the zone or holding the line in a close fight gets me going. Left me with the shakes as i filled with adrenaline.

That said, most Multiplayer games normally gets my blood pumping in all the wrong ways. Namely rage. So i avoid it as much as possible.

path of exile i find myself gritting or grinding my teeth as i focus and try to survive a tough encounter or focus on multiple things at once.